Very recently I met a dynamic lady who is seventy six years old and she came to meet me for Life Coaching. Prior to her retirement she has been an extremely successful personality who has climbed mountain tops in her professional career. Now that she has retired, she is still keen on thriving towards happiness. [...]


The Speediest Moment of a Cheetah is when It is Hungry


Very recently I met a dynamic lady who is seventy six years old and she came to meet me for Life Coaching. Prior to her retirement she has been an extremely successful personality who has climbed mountain tops in her professional career. Now that she has retired, she is still keen on thriving towards happiness. Even though I am an inspirer, this lady inspired me by challenging my thinking. I asked myself whether I would still be hungry to transform and grow even at the age of seventy six. She is simply amazing. When we are hungry, we crave for food but do we ever crave for success from the moment we get out of bed? Can we thrive for success at the age of eighty?

I was indeed joyful I met this dynamic lady. She has undeniably inspired me to thrive without ceasing. In accordance to the war term ‘Ceasefire’ could be a tactic of the opponent to regroup and reorganize themselves so that they could return stronger and attack the opponent better than earlier. This is why we should avoid giving a break to our enemies who have detrimental thoughts and weaknesses. Keep fighting against your weaknesses and thrive every moment to seize the opportunities which are ahead of you. Do not feed laziness, giving up, isolation and procrastination. The best times are always ahead.

I do not know what your assumption on success is but as for me, success is attaining peace of mind and enjoying every moment in life even amidst the fiery challenges. Live in the moment to its fullest. Do not let the regrets of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow steal away the present moment which is actually meant for living in peace and joy. The speediest moment of a cheetah is when it is in hunger. If you are not hungry for success, in other words if you do not carry an appetite to climb greater heights then, you will not tap your fullest potential.

Tapping your fullest potential is similar to the approach one might take to collect sea water, which is an enormous capacity. If you take a cup to the sea, you will bring back a cupful of water. If you take a bucket then you will return with a bucketful of water.  If you take a gallon bottle then you are sure to return with a gallon of water. Similarly, if you go to sea with a bowser, you will come back with a bowser of water. The level of commitment of each individual is based on their expectations in life. If you intend to have a little, you will be less committed and if you intend to have more, you will commit yourself more.

Do you know what you really want in your life? Or are you like a person who has got on to a bus not knowing exactly where the bus is heading. Unleash the true potential in you every second of your life. Do not spend a moment emptily, gain something at every opportunity you receive. How many empty days have you spent wastefully contemplating on the past events that have taken place in your life? I am a person who was a beggar on the streets who transformed into becoming a famous CEO. Your life is comparable to a garden, you are expected to cultivate it and care for it at every possible second.  Inward focus is a crucial factor towards your success.

It is a strenuous task to climb a mountain with heavy metal strapped to your feet. Eliminate the unnecessary weight that is causing you to be held back from elevating forward. Reminiscing on those who left you, pondering on your past mistakes, things you could not achieve, foolish decisions you have made, parents whom you could not take care of etc. the more you regret about them the more you water and fertilise the seeds of worry, which at one point will turn into a gigantic tree of depression. If you break a glass, yes indeed you must learn everything possible about the cause so that it does not repeat again. Yet, pondering over it again and again will not fix the glass. Moreover, it will steal your time and energy which is essential in investing towards buying a better set of glasses.

If you prick a balloon with a pin, it will lose its air and become airless. Likewise, passion can also emanate based on your level of interest in protecting them, treasuring them and fueling them. If you fail to go to the gym for a considerable number of days, you will see that your body is going out of shape. Likewise, whenever you are not fueling your passion on a daily basis your passion will lose its energy. Passion is a powerful thought circuit that requires Focused Sailing. This is when Grit and Endurance become a critical ingredient in treasuring your passion.

You should constantly tune up towards your vision. If not, your mind will attempt to deviate or even give up based on the capacity of fighting it has accumulated over time. The mind is the most difficult battlefield to deal with. One roaring thought may completely knock you down in life. Every morning, I remind myself the purpose I am alive, even at night I spend a considerable amount of time to secure that very purpose. If you are not well focused whilst driving your car, you may end up in an accident. Therefore, engross yourself on how you drive your mind.

You must constantly be in hunger for a well-focused mind with a well-focused start off every morning and a clean closure every night. Be hungry and crave for success and pay serious focus on remaining in that hunger. Always remain plugged into your hunger, never unplug your hunger even though you may have to face many challenges. Even a world class car that is made in Germany will one day have issues that require repair.

Recently, I did a training session for a group of youngsters and I found out that most of them do not even have a purpose in life, such as a reason to live. They cannot be blamed as a seed does not grow by itself. The farmer is responsible to grow the seed into a tree that bears fruits. Parents are insanely pushing their children to achieve the best academic results not knowing that they should be focusing more on guiding them towards a healthy purpose in life. Everybody must have a purpose in life which drives them at every moment in life, if not our lives would be like an airless balloons.

There are days that I felt like the storms that were rushing towards me were too strong but turning towards the very reason why I am alive in this world, urged me to sail forward courageously. If the leader of the country does not have a vision, then that country would be like a ship that has broken its sailcloth. Guide your children towards a purposeful life.

If not, they will possess many cardboard certificates, yet they will struggle in life due to depression and stress. You cannot ask your children what their purpose in life is as you must first have a purpose for yourself. If not your children would not see that in you.

If you want to enroll your 15 – 25 year old child to our very powerful Life Coaching Programme conducted by me and three other international trainers from UK and Australia please call me on 0774 88 5656 or e-mail us to

We will develop a Strong Personality in Your Child, someone who will never give up amidst the Pressures of Life, Challenges and Stress. This is a Life Changing – Life Coaching Programme for young children between 15 – 25 that will bring out the Champion in your child. As a Parent, this is the best Gift you could give your Child.

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