ComBank wins ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2021’ for the first time
Commercial Bank Managing Director/Group CEO S. Renganathan (second from left) receives the award from the Chief Guest, Norwegian Ambassador Ms. Trine Jøranli Eskedal. Also in the picture (from left) are Commercial Bank’s Group Chief Marketing Officer Hasrath Munasinghe, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Chairman Vish Govindasamy, the bank’s Chief Operating Officer Sanath Manatunge and Assistant General Manager Services Chinthaka Darmasena.
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC won the coveted ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2021’ at an annual event organised by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce to recognise sustainable champions of the local corporate world.
Citizens Development Business Finance PLC and CBL Investments Ltd (CBL Group) were adjudged the first and second runners-up of the competition, respectively, the chamber said in a media release.
Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC walked away with the Category B ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2021’, awarded to companies with an annual turnover below Rs. 15 billion, while BPPL Holdings PLC and Oxford College of Business (Pvt) Ltd were awarded as first and second runners-up respectively, in this category.
Top Ten Corporate Citizens
This award recognises the 20 most sustainable corporates which have implemented outstanding sustainability initiatives under both ‘Category A & B’. This year, the Top Ten awards include a joint winner, bringing the total number of winners to 11. Aitken Spence PLC, CBL Investments Ltd (CBL Group), Citizens Development Business Finance PLC, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Dialog Axiata PLC, Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC, Hatton National Bank PLC, National Development Bank PLC, Nestlé Lanka PLC, Sampath Bank PLC and Sri Lanka Telecom PLC were recognised as the Top Ten Corporate Citizens of 2021.
Triple Bottom-line Awards
Nestle Lanka PLC won the award for Environmental Sustainability, while Aitken Spence PLC and Dipped Products PLC were awarded the Social Sustainability and Economic Sustainability Awards respectively.
Category Awards
Nestlé Lanka PLC, won the Corporate Environmental Commitment Award. Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC, won the Environmental Integration Award for its endeavours to reduce the environmental footprint via corporate decisions and the introduction of innovative technology to maintain environmental sustainability.
Aitken Spence PLC and Citizens Development Business Finance PLC were joint winners of the Employee Relations Award. Aitken Spence PLC, won the Community Relations Award while Sampath Bank PLC, won the Governance Award for displaying high standards of governance in the structure and composition of their Board and Board Committees.
Dipped Products PLC, won the Financial Performance award for admirable achievements of profitability and return to shareholders. Dialog Axiata PLC, won the Economic Contribution award for facilitating job creation and transformation of remote regions of the country.
Sector Based Sustainability Champions
The Sector Awards recognise the best sustainability performance in sectors that each corporate represents. The awards were won by Kelani Valley Plantations PLC in the Agriculture Sector, Access Engineering in the Construction Sector, Aitken Spence PLC in Diversified Holdings, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC in the Finance Sector, Dialog Axiata PLC in the Knowledge Services Sector, CBL Investments Limited (CBL Group) in the Manufacturing sector, while Sri Lanka Telecom PLC won an award under the ‘Other’ category. has you covered with quality used or brand new cars for sale that are budget friendly yet reliable! Now is the time to sell your old ride for something more attractive to today's modern automotive market demands. Browse through our selection of affordable options now on before deciding on what will work best for you!