Computers donated to child development centres across the island
The Education Minister received a donation of 700 computers to facilitate online education. The donation was coordinated by Women and Child Affairs, Preschool and Primary Education, School Infrastructure and Education Services State Minister Piyal Nishantha de Silva, under the sponsorship of several private companies.
Seven hundred computers worth 21 million rupees and internet facilities were donated to uplift the facilities for online education of children in all child development centres in the country.
This donation was made to 397 child development centres which includes 10,632 children throughout the country under the total sponsorship of a number of companies responding to a request made personally by Piyal Nishantha de Silva, the State Minister for Women and Child Affairs, Preschool and Primary Education, School Infrastructure and Education Services.
The symbolic handing over of computers took place this Wednesday at the Education Ministry in Battaramulla with the participation of Education Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.
Mr. de Silva had made this request from the Indian business community in Sri Lanka with the objectives of overcoming challenges in online education
in Sri Lanka and enhancing children’s computer literacy. Accordingly, several companies came forward to donate these computers upon the request
and due coordination of Star Lanka ShippingManaging Director A. Banerjee.
The companies involved were Star Lanka Shipping Pvt Ltd, Maersk Lanka Pvt Ltd, GTB Steel Corporation Pvt Ltd, Trident Corporation Pvt Ltd, Fairfirst Insurance, Viswak Plywood Pvt Ltd, Union Assurance Pvt Ltd, and A One Computers Pvt Ltd.
In addition to this, internet facilities were also donated to all child development centres under the sponsorship of Dialog Axiata PLC.
Addressing the gathering, Mr. de Silva said this was the first time such a large number of computers were donated for Government school children.
He also said that we should not look at these children from a traditional viewpoint.
“They have to be given opportunities to overcome the modern world just like any other child,” Mr. de Silva said.