Home » ColumnsSLAF ‘Digital Eagle’ soars at anniversary show

During its 72nd anniversary celebrations, the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) revealed one of its recent acquisitions – the portable drone jammer. By acquiring this weapon from a supplier in the United Kingdom, the SLAF is keeping pace with the newer threats–particularly to VIPs–posed by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drones. It can be assembled [...]
For whatever one sows, that will he also reap

Your Eminence, I thought of writing to you because you are in the news once again, even though I doubt that you enjoy the headlines you are making now. Since the report of the Commission inquiring into the Easter attacks has been released you are in the limelight and some may not like what you [...]
Independent, speedy and credible investigations can ensure justice for Easter Sunday attack victims

The report issued by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (CoI) to investigate the Easter Sunday attacks has attracted a great deal of attention in the media. Many of the media reports and responses are often at variance with each other and the absence of the report in the public domain (other than with Parliamentarians and [...]
Increasing exports vital to improve 2021 trade balance and balance of payments

A significant increase in exports is vital to improve this year’s trade balance and balance of payments, as imports that decreased significantly last year, are expected to increase substantially this year. Export earnings should exceed US$ 12 billion to achieve a better balance of trade outcome than last year’s trade deficit of US$ six billion [...]
Top legal guns ready to fire at PCI bid to rip the judicial robe

Lanka’s top legal knights rode out in full force on Thursday to express serious concerns on the final report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry appointed by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on January 9 last year to probe ‘political victimisation’ during the previous government’s tenure of office, the ‘Yahapalana’ years which spanned between January 9, 2015 [...]
Absence of mature statecraft and the ugly tangle in Geneva

Unfortunately, the Sri Lankan Government is yet to learn the lesson that statecraft is far more than bluster, bullying and ballyhoo. This is why we have got ourselves into an ugly tangle at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) even as critical forces gather strength in calling for an international inquiry into wartime abuses. [...]
UNHRC sessions: Govt.’s diplomatic blunders galore without proper strategy
Ambassador Chandraprema involved in procedural errors; thrice overruled by core-group envoys New Delhi contests Lanka’s explanation on West Container Terminal deal; Foreign Secretary Colombage conducting foreign policy with India through the media President and Election Commission officials hold talks on PC polls in June after legislation is passed Fresh issues over burial; site moved from [...]
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