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Creating A Scene : Call to speak up

A recent campaign that created a buzz recently was the “Create A Scene” campaign: Not on my Bus. The Not on My Bus campaign was implemented by Oxfam in Sri Lanka as a country-level adaptation of Oxfam International’s global Enough Campaign which aims at challenging social norms that perpetuate violence against women and girls and [...]
Twitter bans ‘dehumanising’ tweets about age, disease and disability

Twitter has expanded its hate speech policy to include the ban of ‘language that dehumanizes on the basis of age, disability or disease.’ The social media giant announced the changes recently but noted that any tweets shared will only be deleted and not result in a suspension of the account. However, those who fail to [...]
Fast-paced digital game ‘Freedom Battle’ draws to a close

The Freedom Run, a fast-paced digital game by Dandex Pro Scalp, successfully drew to a close with Akash Palandagama, being adjudged the winner with the highest overall score. Akash also walked away with a grand prize of Rs. 50,000 at the Freedom Battle Event. Freedom Run requires players to comb their way through a 4-level [...]
Going behind the Asus Designo MX34VQ Gaming Monitor

Gaming monitors may sound like fluffy marketing tactics for companies to sell to the masses. But in reality, monitors with high refresh rates are crucial for those who play competitive eSports titles. The Asus Designo MX34VQ is designed in such a way that most people forget it’s a gaming monitor. Why? Well, we’re about to [...]
Flaw in Intel chips released in the last five years could allow cyber criminals to hijack computers

An unfixable flaw present in nearly all Intel chips released in the last five years could allow cyber criminals to hijack computers and wreak ‘utter chaos’, an expert warns. The vulnerability arises because a security feature designed to protect malicious edits to the computer’s random-access memory does not launch quickly enough. This creates a brief [...]
Music News

Lewis Capaldi launches help scheme Lewis Capladi has launched a mental help scheme for concert goers. Liveline will help people manage anxiety, panic attacks at shows. Liveline is co founded by Jack Williamson. Meanwhile Calpaldi has written the latest single released by Rita Ora ‘How To Be Lonely’ which came out on 13th March. Lewis [...]