As December approaches you can hear the merriment of Christmas as carols are sung everywhere. Singing Christmas carols have become an iconic event at the Grand Kandyan which featured few leading schools in Kandy.   This time the Hotel joined hands with few leading school choirs in Kandyandthe month of December was welcomed with the Christmas [...]


Taxi in action at Grand Kandyan


As December approaches you can hear the merriment of Christmas as carols are sung everywhere. Singing Christmas carols have become an iconic event at the Grand Kandyan which featured few leading schools in Kandy.  

This time the Hotel joined hands with few leading school choirs in Kandyandthe month of December was welcomed with the Christmas carol serviceletting them sing their hearts out to praise the lord.

The hotels 31st December Night celebrations come alive with the spectacular pre-dinner cocktail at the Lobby.

Grand New Years Eve Dinner Dance will feature the eminent entertainer Clifford Richards and the famed dance band TAXI.

For details contact Thilanka 0701928104 / Imesha 0701952435 or 0812030400.

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