The Leader in Me

Ameer Ahamed – CEO Sri Lanka & Maldives for Franklin Covey Edcuation. “We are indeed happy and excited to launch the Leader in me programme in full scale in Sri Lanka, by being ready to support any school which has the passion to change the school make their students future ready with the 21st century Life skills as a whole person” Says Mr. Ameer Ahamed who is the CEO for Franklin Covey Education in Sri Lanka & Maldives.
What is Leader in Me ?
Leader in Me (LiM) is an evidence-based, comprehensive-school improvement model—developed in partnership with educators—that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.
Today Leader in Me has become a model that undergoes continual improvement, based on feedback from educators around the world, as well as the evolving needs of the education sector. Each year, educators from Leader in Me Schools gather together for training and discussion around new advancements to improve the model and process to ensure better, more transformation results.
How does Franklin Covey ensure the quality of Leader in Me?
To achieve successful cultural transformation through the application of Leader in Me, in the initial onboarding process preparation is guided to ensure that the school is ready to fully engage in Leader in Me implementation. Qualification and pre-work is required with each school prior to implementation to ensure that the principal and staff are informed, engaged, and committed to implement the process with fidelity. During the implementation and as long as a school remains in the Leader in Me network of schools, FranklinCovey provides extensive support to maintain quality:
- Principals and school staff are engaged in ongoing in-person and virtual coaching from FranklinCovey. Coaching aims to identify common challenges that limit high performance, allows the sharing of best practices, and aligns Leader in Me to key school and district priorities.
- Schools are provided access to a Web-based portal that provides additional tools for implementation, including;
- Video resources and Illustrated Leadership stories that are age appropriate for student to use in class.
- Student Leadership Guides to download and use with students.
- Annual surveys at the student/staff/parent level to help the school track their progress, identify areas of further improvement and provide data so their coach can build a custom learning plan. This information also populates a dashboard tracking progress.
- Web-based Professional Development for Staff encompassing the full impact of FranklinCovey content.
- Lesson Plans that are aligned to the priorities of the school and class, including The First 8 Days Leadership lessons for the beginning of the school year.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Families resources.
- As it relates to the quality of Leader in Me, FranklinCovey invests significant time and research on current trends and developments in the fields of education, leadership, and culture.
What do students learn through The Leader in Me process?
The Leader in Me helps students develop the skills and self-confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond. Specifically, The Leader in Me focuses on students learning the following 21st century skills:
- Student self-confidence
- Teamwork
- Initiative
- Responsibility
- Communication
- Creativity
- Self-direction
- Leadership
- Problem solving
- Social etiquette
Students learn these skills through participating in goal setting, data tracking, leadership roles, Student-Led Conferences, leadership environments, Leadership Events, and more.
Why should a school implement The Leader in Me, especially if the school is already successful?
Even schools that are otherwise very successful are looking for ways to further improve their approach to helping their students develop important 21st-century leadership and life skills. The leadership and life skills taught to students in The Leader in Me and the resulting improvements in school culture, learning climate, and students’ social-emotional skills have proven to benefit both lower-performing schools as well as already high-performing schools.
On which content and principles is The Leader in Me based?
The Leader in Me utilizes and integrates several leadership, social-emotional learning, quality, and educational models and processes from past and current thought leaders including The 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders and The 4 Disciplines of Execution. The process includes student participation in goal setting, data tracking, leadership roles, Student-Led Conferences, leadership environments, and Leadership Events. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is also a key component of the overall Leader in Me process and is a synthesis of universal, timeless principles of personal, interpersonal, and organizational effectiveness such as responsibility, vision, integrity, teamwork, collaboration, and renewal, which are secular in nature and common to all people and cultures.