Trigeminal neuralgia: Taking the shooting pain away

Unbearable and excruciating…………it comes in sudden waves, leaving the person grimacing in agony. Just as it comes, it will leave, but the very fear of recurrence is debilitating. The descriptions vary – like a lance hitting the face; sharp and shooting; and as if an electric shock has struck the jaw. It is Trigeminal neuralgia [...]
The vibrant yellow and orange

The vibrant yellow and orange vegetables that give an extra brightness to the produce section in any place selling vegetables are packed with carotenoids, a class of naturally occurring orange and yellow plant pigments. Of the carotenoid phytochemicals found in nature, the six most common are beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, all of [...]
Is Flexitarianism the newest diet trend?
The word flexitarian has been around for some time to define anyone who consciously reduces their meat intake to three or more days a week. It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2014: flexitarian refers to an individual who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet, occasionally eating meat or fish. It [...]
My students and I; teaching, learning EI

I am inspired to write this note after reading Consultant Psychiatrist- Prof. Raveen Hanwella’s column on the “Importance of Teaching Emotional Intelligence in Our Schools” in the Sunday Times MediScene magazine of August 22. I have been teaching, rather conducting workshops on Emotional Intelligence (EI) for the undergraduates of the Faculty of Business, SLIIT for [...]
Read this, and have a good night’s sleep!

Sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleeve of care, The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course, Chief nourisher in life’s feast.- William Shakespeare- Macbeth I have been giving wrong advice to my patients! Often, they ask me, ‘How long do I need to sleep?’ and [...]
That hype about gluten!

When it comes to the word ‘Gluten’ what always pops up is the term ‘Gluten-free’. While these words are very common in Western countries, it is also used in some sectors of our society with restaurants and menus offering gluten-free options and online shopping sites advertising gluten-free food. However, only a very limited number of [...]