The premiere show of “Hadannama Baa” the newest stage play written and directed by veteran playwright and director Ajith Mendis, portraying contemporary political and economical contexts of the country will go on the boards at 3.30 pm and 6.45 pm on Sunday January 21 at the air- conditioned New Town hall in Colombo 7. The [...]


Premiere for new political comedy


The premiere show of “Hadannama Baa” the newest stage play written and directed by veteran playwright and director Ajith Mendis, portraying contemporary political and economical contexts of the country will go on the boards at 3.30 pm and 6.45 pm on Sunday January 21 at the air- conditioned New Town hall in Colombo 7.

The cast of the play comprised of Roshan Pilapitiya, Saman Hemarathne, Niroshan Wijesinghe, Mahinda Pathirage, Mihiri Priyangani, Kumari Senarathne, Samantha Paranáliyanage and Sandun Kumburuthanna.

Music composition is by Dr. Prabath Aloka while Rasika Dilhan handles stage setting and Nipuni Preksha Mendis is in charge of costume design. Stage management is done by Sumedha Prasanna while lighting and sound management are handled by Mihindu Madhusanka.

Produced by Jude Srimal and Srinath Maddumage, ‘Hadannama Baa’ is organised by Jude Srimal.


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