Home » Magazine » ArtsBaked with love

“Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year,” states 22-year-old home baker Rashmi Dias echoing the sentiments of many foodies. A law student who bakes, Rashmi can be found as “The Baking Law Student” on social media. This month it’s all about ‘togetherness’in the Dias household and today, Christmas Eve is the day when [...]
Seheni makes writing debut with ‘The Chameleon’

At 16, young author Seheni Hisara Kariyawasan has just launched her debut novel ‘The Chameleon’. In this suspenseful two-part thriller, we follow detective Cole Wallen and his team as they attempt to extricate themselves from a tangled web of intrigue and unsolvable cases- to unmask the serial killer behind a random (or not so random) [...]