Less fortunate Grade 5 rural girl scores 184 marks
Niwanthika Lakshani of Ralapanawa Junior School, Nawagattegama
As stories of triumphs at the Grade 5 Scholarships emerged through the media last week, some of the achievements went unnoticed. The story of Niwanthika Lakshani of Ralapanawa Junior School, Nawagattegama, was one such instance. She scored 184 marks at the exam under difficult circumstances, as her mother left home two years back and she was brought up by her grandmother and father.
She lived in a village seriously affected by the drought and also surrounded by wild elephants. Her father was a labourer doing odd jobs, with no regular income, while her grandmother visited houses selling picture cards to supplement their income.
School Principal Ms P.G.S. Damayanthi said Lakshani was among 20 children who sat the exam from the school, and achieved the highest marks. She is too poor to follow additional tuition classes and was guided by her teacher K.M.S.S. Kumara.
“I am thankful to my teachers and the principal. If my father has a stable job it will be useful for my further education,” Niwanthika said. Further details of the student could be obtained from the Principal Ms Damayanthi on 0717 422 168.
Pix & Text by Karuwalagaswewa Jayaratna

Niwanthika with her grandmother