Home » ColumnsMillions wasted on abortive deal with US lobby firm

A deal with a Washington DC “lobbying” firm by Development Strategies and International Trade Minister Malik Samarawickrema “to increase economic ties” with the United States has now been abandoned. This is after more than US$ 150,000 or Rs. 22. 5 million of Sri Lankan taxpayer’s money has been paid out to this firm. It is [...]
Confusion, contradictions over Executive Presidency

SLFP ministers insist it must continue and Sirisena must contest, but President still silent; Cabinet spokesman says abolition essential Ministers also want amendments to 300-page National Human Rights Action Plan; Premier agrees to make changes TNA says it will withdraw from Constitution-making process if merger and more devolution are not considered By Our Political Editor [...]
Huff and puff over vehicle ride to Welikada

My dear Wimal sahodaraya, I thought I must write to you because I was shocked, dismayed and appalled to hear that you had been imprisoned among common criminals within the walls of the Welikada prison. Ah, how could they treat a decent, patriotic and virtuous man who is every inch a gentleman in such a [...]
Central Bank’s monetary and exchange rate management policies and its independence

The Road Map: Monetary and Financial Sector Policies for 2017 and Beyond presented by Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy on January 3rd was of special significance as it was an honest and realistic assessment of the economy, as it spelled out forward looking monetary and exchange rate policies and underscored the need for strengthening the Central [...]
The virtues of a responsible bhikku

A Poison once, a delicacy later: This Sinhala proverb is important for us today. The Lord Buddha’s teaching on sadness and happiness, insult and appreciation embodied in the Dhamma (Ata Lowa Dahama) is relevant to the wellbeing of society. Buddhist clergy are revered by Buddhists the world over. They are regarded as Buddha Puthra or [...]
Differing from the EC in its ‘sunny’ reliance on government assurances

The European Commission’s proposal this week to the European Union (EU) regarding the restoration of GSP (General System of Preference) Plus to Sri Lanka’s export market did not carry with it, any element of particular surprise. This was a step long predicted. Checking displays of untoward jubilation And as a rider, it must be said [...]
Oh justice where art thou?

That was great, simply great. That pretentious oracle in this miracle of Asia has spoken. Of course it might have been far better for the reputation of this nation had the Justice Minister taken a vow of silence. But then since Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe seems to make a rather heady mix of his two-prong portfolio [...]
Maithripala and Ranil paint their rainbow blue and green

Gala of ceremonial openings to herald economic boom plus the unveiling of Sirisena’s secret weapon to crush Rajapaksa threat The New Year sparklers came belated but they came nevertheless when both President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe emerged from their sullen corners last week, firing all guns in unison to spray paint their rainbow blue [...]