Rare cactus in full bloom
Pereskia bleo is a rare leafy cactus, currently in full bloom with its bright orange flowers and clusters of funnel shaped fruits at the

Pereskia bleo: Also known as the ‘Seven Star Needle’ the leafy cactus is believed to have medicinal properties
premises of All Saints Church, Hulftsdorp. The historic church on Hulftsdorp Hill faces the Supreme Court complex and the cactus is easily viewed.
Pereskia bleo is not a desert-adapted cactus, like the many leafless cacti we are familiar with. It is

The cactus’ bright orange flower and funnel shaped fruit
commonly found in shady forests of Central America. If one looks closely at the stem of the Pereskia, the fact that is a cactus is evident in its cluster of spines growing from the areoles.
The genus was named after the 16th century French botanist Nicolas Fabre de Peiresc. It is also called leaf cactus and wax rose. The latter two common names describe its large highly ornamental flowers with multiple thick orange petals that almost look like a rose. After flowering, the plant produces funnel-like fruits.
Pereskia bleo can grow into a small woody but prickly tree of about 2m in height. Plants are easily propagated via stem cuttings. The plant is grown in Singapore as a medicinal plant and is known as Seven Star Needle. The belief is that the leaves, when eaten, can prevent or cure cancer.