Have you been to Sinharaja?

Have you been to Sinharaja? If you are a nature lover then the answer should be a yes but if you didn’t have time to, maybe in the next school holidays. But before you do, let me tell you some things you should know about this unique rainforest. Sinharaja Forest Reserve is located in the south-west of our country which [...]
The discussion at Malwana

The Sinhala people detested the customs and manners of the Portuguese. They respected and protected their own customs. General Azavedo thought this was not a sign of proper subjugation to the Portuguese. So he decided to have a discussion on the matter, with the Sinhala leaders. Malwana was the selected venue to hold the discussion. [...]
Kids’ World
My lovely August vacation On August 31, we went to Yala. We woke up at 5.30 a.m., and we left Colombo at 6 a.m. It was a short journey to Galle by the highway express. We had breakfast at Galle beside the shining blue sea. As it was a long weekend, the streets were very [...]
Craft Foam Jewellery
What you need: Craft foam scraps large enough to be cut into strips 1 ½ to 2 inches long and ½ inch wide at the widest point 1 larger scrap for the pendant (optional) Glue Paper clips Scissors Soft cord or fishing line Black rubber jewelry Tubing (If you are doing the pendant, 1 large [...]
Wonders of the sea
Beautiful rippling sea of blue, Makes my heart so pure and free, Your giant paws come and wash the shore, Leaving shells and corals behind. Children play along the shore, Jumping and dancing for your rhythm. Boys and girls sing for joy, Praising your mighty waves. Divers dive to see your beauty, Bringing handfuls of [...]