ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Vol. 41 - No 21

Requiem for Bishop Lak

By Haig Karunaratne

One last chat, Brother Lak
Sometimes I have travelled to your rockside house, bishop,
Knowing you would look me in the eye, yet
Pretend you wanted to only con chat.

Arguing out of circles from morn to sunset, you'd
Probe my like
And make the most hasty
Judgments as though you
Knew every darn thing about me'

And really you did, though I know you
Got it in bits and pieces
From the chats you had

At funerals, weddings, conferences
- whizzing about one two three
four five con chats, just like that…
Jesus! What's Buffalo Bill?
You were more than just a handsome man
Storing in your computer mind
Every detail about me.

But then, that was you, bishop
Bishop Lak's not dead -
Damn it, you were a hell of a saintly
Man. That's what's so great about you
Bishop man. You always cared - always did.
We all left Rock House -
Sinners turned from our ways?
And coming back wondered
How you had the gumption
To do it, catch the darkness
By the scruff of its neck, as it were.

Yes man, bishop man, you sustained the magic
Right through.

Didn't care a damn for the big boys, loving
Truth, risking everything
In one-throw…
Boom! Boom! The cannons you'll
Fire from the ramparts of heaven
Our darkness to fire into

Now you'll walk in heaven, I know
Trying your damndest to see if
Something cannot be done for those
Down here. Not like you to rest in peace…

You carrying our personal files still in your mind?
Like in your chaplaincy days?
Running about like a man trying
To put out a house on fire?

You were so like your master, Man.

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