ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Vol. 41 - No 19
Financial Times

Nawaloka investing over Rs 600mln while marking 21st year

Nawaloka Hospitals, which marks 21 years of healthcare service to the nation, is investing Rs 300 million in a range of facilities including a neuronavigation system for neuro surgery, a lithotripter system for endo-urology, a 64 slice CT scanner for cardiac evaluation, as well as upgrading of the software of the Magnetom Symphony for agnetic resonance imaging.

Pictured is Chairman Nawaloka Hospitals H.K. Dharmadasa cutting the 21st anniversary cake. Also seen are Rienzie T. Wijetilleke - Director, Upali Dharmadasa - Director and Jayantha Dharmadasa - Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Nawaloka Hospitals.

The hospital company is also currently developing a comprehensive hospital information system to provide online, real time information and analysis.

Nawaloka said in a statement that future plans include the first polyclinic in Negombo, with 10 more being planned for the next three years. The five Nawaloka Medical Centres in Colombo and the suburbs will also be converted into polyclinics.

Nawaloka Hospitals has also entered into a joint venture with Metropolis Health Service [India ] Private Limited, one of Asia’s leading laboratory chains, resulting in Nawaloka Metropolis Laboratories [ Private ] Limited, which offers routine, semi speciality and super speciality testing, for which hitherto samples had to be sent to Europe. The hospital recently celebrated its 21st year with a gala dinner where it felicitated over 600 doctors, surgeons and paramedics responsible for the success of the hospital.

The hospital which first opened its doors to the public in 1985, was the first fully fledged private hospital in Sri Lanka. It also had the very first Intensive Care Unit in a private hospital. It currently has 300 beds.

“We were the pioneers in this field and we can proudly lay claim to the fact that the day Nawaloka Hospitals opened its doors to the public was the day that changed the healthcare industry of this country,” said Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Jayantha Dharmadasa, speaking at the dinner ceremony. “It was our vision to be the hospital of tomorrow while our mission was to heal with feeling”.

A highlight of the evening’s programme was the presenting of a special plaque to the Chairman of Nawaloka Hospitals H.K. Dharmadsa for his great vision in being a pioneer in this field. A special plaque was also presented to Dr P.R. Anthonisz , who was the first surgeon to perform an operation at the newly opened Nawaloka Hospital way back in 1985.

In the last financial year Nawaloka Hospitals treated 28,100 patients, which resulted in the hospital increasing its staff strength by 3.6 % to 1700, with Rs 145 million being invested to acquire state of the art medical equipment.

The hospital also has the distinction of providing access to the highest number of fully qualified consultants in Sri Lanka. Nawaloka Hospital’s patient to Nurse ratio is also 3:1, a number significantly higher than that of any public sector and most private sector hospitals. Nawaloka Hospitals says it is also in the process of finalizing a joint venture with the Manipal Academy of Higher Education in India to train medical and para medical staff.

Nawaoka Hosptal’s expansion strategy also includes the augmentation of the facilities currently offered, with construction already having commenced on a new buiding covering 80,000 square feet, of which 10,000 square feet will be allocated for a sophisticated operating theatre facility and an aesthetically designed consultation area. A 100 more beds, a large basement car park, as well as recreational and training facilities are included in this 3 phase expansion programme which will cost between Rs 350 - 400 million .

“As we celebrate 21 years in the healthcare sector of this country, we will always be mindful of the fact that the real criterion for success lies not in our ideas but in our hearts. As long as we prioritize the human factor, we will never fail to excel,” said Jayantha Dharmadasa.

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