International Readers’ corner

Zionist propaganda at work again
The statement of Israel's second secretary in New Delhi (Sunday Times International May 28, 2006) that Israel does not view Palestinians as enemies is a cruel attempt at trivializing the Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people - both Muslim and Christian.

The manner in which the Israelis have killed Palestinians and forcibly occupied their lands is a well-known fact eloquently articulated by leading Palestinian intellectuals like the late Edward Said, Hanan Ashrawi and Jewish scholars like Alfred Lilienthal and the late Israel Shahak.

If this is the way the Israeli Zionists treat those whom Tammy Ben Haim says are 'not enemies' I wonder how they will treat their actual enemies.
If the Israelis are such peace loving people according to Tammy Ben Haim, why then does his country under its draconian 'Law of Return' refuse entry to over four million Palestinian refugees to the land their forefathers had tilled since time began? How come such peaceful Israeli's have driven out millions of the remaining Palestinians from their homes and hearths and compelled them to live in refugee camps in their own land?

How would have the Jews felt if the Nazis had said they were not their enemies while in the process of executing their wicked final solution to 'resolve' the so-called Jewish and Romany Gypsy 'problem'?

By the way, it would be good for Haim and other Zionists to know that there were direct contacts between Zionist leaders and Hitler's Nazis. This is clearly demonstrated by Lenni Brenner in his book '51 Documents'.

It is true the Palestinians were not enemies of the Jews. The Palestinians welcomed them with open arms when the Jews fled their European persecutors. But the Zionist Jews began to persecute the Palestinians on the same racial lines the Europeans had persecuted them.

Like his predecessors the 'peace' that Ehud Olmert, envisages is one that will rob Palestinians of most of their land and is cunningly designed to 'bantustanise' Palestine on the lines of apartheid South Africa under the White Racist Regime. He has threatened to unilaterally draw Israel's yet undefined borders if he can't get the Palestinians to co-operate with him in his 'peace plan' to annihilate them. Incidentally, Israel is the only country that has no defined borders and when, the peace seeking Prime Minister --according to Mr. Haim -- threatens to draw Israel's borders according to his dictates, there is not even a whimper of protest from the 'international community' or the effeminate UN, the organization that was created to prevent wars and ensure that peace prevails in the world.

When Mr. Haim says that Hamas or other Palestinian groups are not willing to stretch their hands for peace what he actually means is that the bloody Palestinian 'terrorists' are refusing to surrender.

What is really insulting to the memories of the brave Palestinians who have perished in their fight for freedom against Zionist oppression is when Mr. Haim says that Muhammad al-Darra was killed by Palestinian armed men and that many 'impartial' investigations have confirmed this. How many 'impartial' investigations Mr. Second Secretary? And by whom? Israeli military and civilian courts? Like the one that found Ariel Sharon of minor misdemeanors in the Shabra and Shatilla massacres and then allowed him to become Prime Minister? Did these so-called 'impartial investigations' seek any evidence from little Muhammad al-Darra's father? Come to think of it, didn't they watch TV footage of the incident? The whole world saw the murder live on TV and clearly it was an Israeli soldier who did the killing.

And, Mr. Second Secretary if you accuse the Palestinians of being propagandist when they broadcast their agony and misery under your cruel and wicked tyranny then congratulate them, for they are learning a few tricks from your 'Propagnanda Industry', After all you do not view them as enemies do you?

Hameed Abdul Karim
Vice President, Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine

It’s Iran bashing
I refer to the article Bahai bashing: spotlight on Iran, by Kuldip Nayar published in the Sunday Times of May 21, 2006.
The tone of the article is one-sided and one of Iran bashing. The author is blissfully ignorant of the diabolical role played by the Baha'is during the time of the Shah to torment the people of Iran. Their members held ministerial posts even that of the prime minister and a large number of them were also members of the Savak - the dreaded secret police which killed and tortured innumerable anti-Shah activists.

Once the revolution succeeded it was natural to arrest and punish all those involved in killing these activists. Justice was meted out to everyone whether he was Jew, Christian, Zoroastrian, Baha'i or Muslim. No one was punished for his exclusive beliefs. The criterion was whether the accused were involved in any criminal activity.

Mr. Nayar alleged that between 1978 and 1988, more than 200 Bahasis were executed. Obviously, these Baha'is would have been those who were in the service of the Shah who committed crimes against the innocent people of Iran.

After every revolution or war the victors bring to task the vanquished. During world war II The French Resistance Movement executed thousands of French people who collaborated with the Nazis.

The Baha'i faith is designed to marginalize the Islamic faith and cast doubt on the doctrines and principles of Islam. So is the case of the Qadiyanis in Pakistan. The Baha'is and the Qadiyanis have got and are getting backing from the west in an overall strategy to distort Islamic principles and reduce it to rituals, eliminating the social-political and judicial aspects of the Islamic faith. It has also been the practice and priority of the Baha'is to establish close relationships with influential politicians in different countries to implement their sinister agenda.

What more proof is required when the main Baha'i temple is located in Haifa, Israel, the sworn enemy of Iran and Islam? Under these circumstances, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran knowing the criminal record of the Baha'is and their fifth column activities in favour of the west and Israel will quite naturally take all security measures and keep stringent surveillance on the activities of the Baha'is. Presently the Baha'is are an extended arm of the US neo-con administration that is hell-bent on destabilizing Iran.

Speaking of religious freedoms it might be of interest for Mr. Nayar to note that the Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians have representatives in the Iranian parliament to articulate their rights and demands. These representatives are respectfully addressed to by the Speaker and the President of the Iranian parliament. Baha'ism is not treated as a religion but as a movement to destabilize Islamic beliefs and principles among the Muslims of Iran.

With the nuclear issue coming to a head, the western media are full of propaganda to demonize Iran. All this is because Iran stands for the oppressed people of the world, wants to be truly independent and upholds genuine and pure Islamic principles. When Iran is shown in a bad light, it will enable the US, Israel and Europe to justify a military attack on Iran. However Iran stands firm and resolute and is ready to inflict harm and pain on any aggressor.

It is regrettable that an Indian freedom fighter - respected journalist, ex-High commissioner of India in London and a member of the Upper House has chosen to demonize Iran to give the US and Israel an excuse to attack Iran. It is also surprising to note that a freedom fighter is supporting a group that acts as fifth columnists to the US and Israel which are clearly identified as enemies of freedom loving people worldwide.

Saybhan Samat

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