![]() 16th April 2000 New Year sweetmeats amidst mortar and artillery fireSunday Times story brings swift wheels to transport war wounded |
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New Year sweetmeats amidst mortar and artillery fireBy Hiranthi FernandoThe dawn of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year in the northern warfront was heralded not by firecrackers but by bursts of mortar and artillery fire. While sporadic exchanges of fire between the security forces and the LTTE continued in the Jaffna peninsula, Army Commander, Lt. Gen. Srilal Weerasooriya visited his troops throughout the 12th and 13th, to greet the soldiers for the New Year and boost their morale. He inspected the Forward Defence Lines and spoke to the men there. His visit to the front was greatly appreciated by the soldiers, one officer said. Despite the tense situation, soldiers found means of turning out the traditional kiribath, kevun and kokis for the New Year. The Army Commander pronounced them to be as good if not better than any he has had in Colombo. In Jaffna and Pt. Pedro, the Army together with the Government Agent and other officials, organised New Year festivities for the people of Jaffna and Vadamarachchi, where there is no fighting. All was not peaceful during the week however. Several incidents occurred in the Jaffna peninsula, Trincom-alee, Mannar and Vavuniya. The major achievement for the week was the recapture of the three kilometre stretch on the A 9 Main Supply Route (MSR), between Muhamalai and Pallai, which had been seized by the LTTE about two weeks ago. The operation commenced at 7.30 a.m. on April 10. Ground troops were supported by air and backed by artillery fire with the Navy covering the coast. Ten hours of fierce fighting ensued with the troops encountering heavy resistance from the LTTE, using machine guns, RPGs, mortars and artillery. Troops were able to overcome the resistance and the MSR was virtually cleared except for a small pocket in the centre. Eleven soldiers were killed during the operation and 47 were wounded. Another 143 received minor injuries. Terrorist casualties were not confirmed but estimated to be high. During the confrontation, an armoured vehicle was damaged by terrorist fire while a 122 x mm artillery gun and a multi-barrel rocket launcher (MBRL), belonging to the LTTE were found. Troops continued to clear the area between Muhamalai and Pallai on the April 11 , supported by armour and artillery, while terrorists resisted strongly. The artillery engaged terrorist positions in depth. On clearing, troops confirmed that 14 terrorists were killed. According to LTTE transmissions which were monitored, the terrorists have had heavy casualties and sustained injuries including to some leaders. The troops are trying to contain the remaining LTTE pockets and hit their strong points having cleared the MSR. Around Muhavil that same morning, troops in ambush confronted a group of terrorists killing five of them, while in another incident at Thanankilappu troops fired mortars at a suspected terrorist location wounding three terrorists. A terrorist bunker was completely destroyed in the same area the previous day, while on April 12 too, an identified terrorist location at Thanankilappu was attacked by artillery wounding eight while the rest fled the area with their casualties. In the Thanankilappu and Kilali areas, the LTTE have apparently tried to show they have a strong presence. They have attempted to find a loophole to infiltrate into the Army held area by boat and land. However, the Army has held on to their positions after the initial withdrawal from Vathirayan. Several such confrontations have been reported throughout the peninsula during the week. Troops manning defences at Marunthankerni, Kattiaran, Muhamalai, Iyakachchi and Kovilkadu were attacked by terrorist mortar fire on April 12. Troops retaliated with artillery wounding a large number of terrorists while two soldiers were killed and four wounded in the attack. At Iyakachchi, the same day, troops operating ahead of defences attacked a terrorist bunker killing three terrorists, while two more were killed at Kovilkadu. Trincomalee too saw some skirmishes in the last few days. Around 8.45 on April 10, troops on a route clearing patrol were attacked at Meegasgodella by terrorists with mortars and small arms. Troops retaliated effectively killing two terrorists and causing the others to flee the area. On searching the area, two terrorist bodies were found along with a M16 weapon, a radio communication equipment, an RPG bomb, two identification tags and a pouch. On April 12, an explosion occurred near the stage at the Macheyzer Stadium, Trincomalee, at a New Year musical programme organised by Shakthi TV. Eight people, of whom four were policemen, were killed and 70 injured in the explosion. The day before the explosion, a transformer of the Electricity Board at Mutur, worth Rs. 550,000 was destroyed by terrorists using explosives. On April 13, at Back Bay, north of Trincomalee, naval craft on patrol around 9 p.m., detected an LTTE logistics craft moving towards Kuchchaveli. The naval craft closed in and fired. The three occupants jumped overboard and are presumed killed. The boat was recovered with weapons, small arms, ammunition, hand held communication sets, a large stock of pen torch batteries, three car batteries, an outboard motor, 72 hot meal packets and ready made clothes. Security forces personnel are of the view that these items were being transported to LTTE cadres posted north of Trincomalee. Out at sea on the north western coast, west of Modaragam Point beacon, an inshore patrol craft of the Navy, deployed off Kudremalai Point, detected a suspicious fishing boat moving in a southerly direction. Warning shots were fired from the naval craft requesting the fishing vessel to stop. However, there was a confrontation as the suspicious boat approached the naval craft and fired. When the Navy retaliated, the suspect fishing boat exploded. The naval craft was also damaged by the explosion and sank. One sailor was killed and three wounded. Another naval patrol craft rescued the injured and three others. The sunken boat was later recovered and is being repaired. It is thought that the suspect boat was on a suicide mission or attempting to transport a large quantity of explosives to the south. In Talaimannar, on April 10, Naval troops apprehended two terrorist suspects along with 30 litres of kerosene oil, 55 litres of diesel and three bicycles. Interrogation revealed that these items were being transported to uncleared areas. In another incident on the same day, Naval troops out at sea north of Pallimunai, observed a group of persons on the beach. When a few warning shots were fired, the group fled leaving behind 35 litres of kerosene, 35 litres of petrol and 65 litres of engine oil meant to be transported to uncleared areas. Again on April 12, out at sea off Poduwakattu, a Naval craft confronted a terrorist boat and killed two terrorists after giving chase. In the Wanni area, apart from an incident on April 14, the situation has been under control. At Avarantalawa, south west of Vavuniya, on the morning of the 14th , terrorists attacked a home guard point, killing one home guard. Troops were rushed in. When the troops were returning to camp after a search and clear operation, the heavy vehicle they were travelling in unfortunately went over a pressure mine. One officer and two senior non-commissioned officers succumbed to their injuries. Five were seriously injured while four had fairly severe injuries. Seventeen others with minor injuries have been treated and have returned to their camp. All steps have been taken by Army authorities in the Wanni to prevent infiltration of terrorists into Vavuniya town. The Air Force and Navy have been alerted since it is felt that the terrorists would try to attack the Wanni again. The Army authorities have briefed the civilians to be vigilant and inform the authorities of any strangers in the area. Officers in the Wanni feel that the LTTE have tried to do something before the New Year. This New Year, the shops have been well stocked with goods and the town crowded. Sales have been good. Many people have crossed between the cleared and uncleared areas. Bishop Kenneth Fernando who crossed over to the uncleared area also returned through the checkpoint on the 13th. According to an officer in Vavuniya, the LTTE have started a force called the Elle Padayan, which is similar to the home guard service. They have recruited many elderly people from the uncleared areas to this force. Many of these people have been killed in their operations in the last two to three weeks. Thus there is much dissatisfaction with the LTTE among the people of the area.
Sunday Times story brings swift wheels to transport war wounded
The Sunday Times Defence Correspondent Iqbal Athas highlighted sometime back, the dearth of ambulances in the North to transport wounded soldiers, with tractors having to be used on many occasions to transport them. This caught the attention of a social service organisation. The Jayagrahanaya Sanvidanaya last week donated an ambulance to the Sri Lanka Army to be used for soldiers serving in the North and East. Dr. Anula Wijesundera of the organisation told The Sunday Times that they had decided to donate an ambulance after seeing the item in the Situation Report. 'We were shocked to hear that soldiers were transported in tractors. We knew we had to do something. The first thing we did was to check with the Army Commander the validity of the story. He confirmed the story and said there is a shortage of ambulances to transport wounded soldiers in the North' said Dr. Wijesundera. Army Commander Lt. General Srilal Weerasooriya had also told the organisation that such a donation will help boost the morale of the soldiers which further encouraged the organisation. A proposal was made at the annual general meeting of the Jayagrahanaya Sanvidanaya when it was decided to open a fund to collect money for the ambulance. 'We needed 7 1/2 lakhs for the ambulance. We decided to have a raffle from which we collected three lakhs. The tickets were priced at 10 rupees. To collect the balance we held a fair in December from which we got a good sum but was short of the full amount. We got the balance in contributions' said Dr. Wijesundera. The ambulance was handed over to the Sri Lanka Army last week at a simple ceremony. The organisation has given instructions that the ambulance be used only in the North and East. The Jayagrahanaya Sanvidanaya works in the North and East not only helping the soldiers but also aiding self-employment projects and other welfare schemes for villagers in the threatened villages. Work is centered around Trincomalee, Ampara and Welioya. Commenting on the item in the Situation Report Dr. Wijesundera said that such exposures not only help boost the morale of the soldiers but also give the civilians a chance to help the war heroes. 'Our organisation was moved and inspired by Mr. Athas' news item in his Column. Similarly there will be many people who will come forward to help the soldiers' he said. Meanwhile military spokesperson Brigadier Palitha Fernando told The Sunday Times that censorship is imposed for a different purpose but when such issues are highlighted in the media it is a moral boost for the Army. 'Such donations encourage the troops, we appreciate such donations. Firstly we have to thank Mr. Athas for highlighting the plight of the soldiers. We are not in a position to inform the people the shortages the Army faces, but such positive journalism not only helps the soldiers but also comforts the soldier who feels the civilians are with them' said Brigadier Fernando. He added that if any organisation or individual wishes to help the soldiers it is best to write to the Army Commander or the Welfare Department to ask what the soldiers need rather than send items on their own. |
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