The medical ordinance will be amended to make several changes including specifying the qualifications required for a medical or dental specialist to be registered with the Medical Council (MC). The amendment will also facilitate an increase in the number of members of the Medical Council by including three medical specialists and one dental specialist and [...]


Medical ordinance to be changed to specify qualifications for doctors and nurses


The medical ordinance will be amended to make several changes including specifying the qualifications required for a medical or dental specialist to be registered with the Medical Council (MC).

The amendment will also facilitate an increase in the number of members of the Medical Council by including three medical specialists and one dental specialist and will enable the registrar of the MC to keep a register of medical and dental specialists.

No person will be allowed to practise as a medical or dental specialist without registration, once the amended law becomes operational.

Every medical practitioner or dentist who possesses any qualification eligible to be registered as a medical or dental specialist on the date of commencement of this Act and has been engaged in the practice of the speciality before that date, will be required to obtain registration within a period of twelve months from the date the law becomes operational.

The Medical (Amendment) Bill to amend the Medical Ordinance (Chapter 105) has been published in the Gazette by the Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Rajitha Senaratne.

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