The Na­tion­al Dan­ger­ous Drug Board (NDDB) has or­gan­ised a 100-day pro­gramme to elim­i­nate drugs in 100 schools in the West­ern Prov­ince (WP), to fight the drug men­ace with­in schools. The pro­gramme is on the lines of the 100-day ya­ha­pa­la­naya pro­gramme of the new gov­ern­ment. The pro­gramme tar­gets stu­dents of schools in the vul­ner­a­ble areas of [...]


100-Day anti-drug programme in WP Schools by NDDB


The Na­tion­al Dan­ger­ous Drug Board (NDDB) has or­gan­ised a 100-day pro­gramme to elim­i­nate drugs in 100 schools in the West­ern Prov­ince (WP), to fight the drug men­ace with­in schools.

The pro­gramme is on the lines of the 100-day ya­ha­pa­la­naya pro­gramme of the new gov­ern­ment. The pro­gramme tar­gets stu­dents of schools in the vul­ner­a­ble areas of the WP where drugs are free­ly avail­a­ble.

NDDB As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor- Pre­ven­tive Ed­u­ca­tion & Train­ing, K.G. Pra­deep Ku­mara said that schools in high risk areas such as Wa­na­tha­mul­la, Slave Is­land and Bor­el­la were ear­marked for the pro­gramme. A new con­cept in­tro­duced by the NDDB used the stu­dents in con­vey­ing the mes­sage to their peers. “They were taught to say “No” to drugs,” he said.
Mr Ku­mara said that 15 Ed­u­ca­tion and In­for­ma­tion of­fi­cers and 20 Out­reach of­fi­cers of the NDDB had vis­ited the schools and edu­ca­ted Or­di­na­ry Lev­el and Ad­vanced Lev­el stu­dents on the ad­verse ef­fects of us­ing drugs. From among them 15 stu­dents were se­lec­ted from each school and giv­en in­ten­sive train­ing on in­di­vid­u­al and group coun­sel­ing ses­sions to coun­sel their peers. “The stu­dents were se­lec­ted on their lead­er­ship qual­i­ties and their gen­u­ine­ness in par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gramme,” he said.

Al­ready, 700 School Qual­i­ty So­ci­ety (SQS) cer­tif­i­cates have been awar­ded to stu­dents at the end of their train­ing. The train­ing in­clu­ded knowl­edge in life skills de­vel­op­ment, skills on cop­ing abil­i­ties and the im­por­tance of be­ing as­ser­tive.

In a sep­a­rate pro­gramme, the teach­ers too were al­so trained to de­tect stu­dents us­ing drugs. “They were trained on how to screen stu­dents and iden­ti­fy drug users,” he said.

The pro­gramme’s suc­cess has promp­ted the NDDB to ex­tend it to oth­er parts of the coun­try, es­pe­cial­ly to the north and east where the prob­lem of drug use is in­tense. ”Our of­fi­cers are al­ready work­ing on the proj­ect,” he said.

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