Funday Times - A Poem for the week

By Aranya Dewanarayana (13 years), St. Joseph's Convent, Kegalle

I was completing my homework,
On a spooky Tuesday evening,
When I heard a knock on the window,
Which was absolutely alarming.

"Who could it be?" I wondered,
And stood up from my chair.
Then I pushed the window open;
What I saw was a total nightmare!

To my horror, I found Frankenstein,
Glaring at me, straight in the eye.
I was dumbstruck with fright,
And froze on the spot. Oh my!

Then my brothers' nauseating face,
Shone with extreme delight,
As he removed the Frankenstein mask,
And ran away from my sight!

Right then I could have screamed,
'Cos I was totally steamed!

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