ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday February 10, 2008
Vol. 42 - No 37
Funday Times

Mandy and Little Chick

By Shireen Senadhira

''Are there chickens really clucking in the yard?'' Mandy said aloud and went towards the sound. There, she found a red mother hen clucking at her yellow fluffy chicks. The chicks were saying, ''Cheep, cheep.'' Mandy thought they were like little fluff balls and cute.

''Oh! Mama Hen, why are you scolding them?'' she asked.

''They are running here and there. They won't come when I call.

''Cheep, cheep,'' said the smallest fluffy chick. ''I am Little Chick, there's so much in the world to see.''

''I am Mandy,'' said Mandy. ''Let's go and see the world, then.''

All the chicks came around her and they went with Mandy down the farm yard to a meadow.

''Be careful chicks,'' called Mama Hen after them. ''There are big bad birds flying around.''

''We'll be alright with Mandy,'' cheeped the chicks.

The meadow was still wet with dew. Mandy stomped on a large patch of dew and the water flew all over. The chicks ran behind her. They came to a little stream. They stopped. Mandy knew that the chicks couldn't swim. They walked along the edge of the stream. Soon, they came upon a clump of tall reeds. They heard a rumpus in the reeds and some quacks.
''Who's there?'' asked Mandy.

The chicks went silent. After a moment or two, a tiny duck put his head out. ''Who are you?'' he asked.

''I am Mandy and this is Little Chick and the others are his brothers and sisters.''

''I am Little Quack.'' Then he pulled his head back and shouted, ''Come on you others, we have friends.'' Four more ducklings came out of the reeds. They quacked and the chicks cheeped and little Mandy clapped her hands and chuckled. All were happy.

''Can you swim?'' asked Little Quack

''No, we can't.''

''Oh that's a pity but you can play and dig around the edge of the stream. We will tell you what's under the water.''


The ducklings took to water. They swished and swam. They dived and came out happy and quacking. The chicks laughed at their antics. The chicks were looking for grub on the wet ground.

''Can I get you a small fish for a bite?'' asked Little Quack.

''No thanks,'' replied Little Chick.

One chick found a fallen tree across the water and climbed on it. He walked along it and was right on top and the ducklings were swimming beneath in the water.

''Come back,'' shouted Mandy. ''You will fall into the water. Mama Hen will scold all of us.''

Reluctantly, the chick walked back on the log and when he came over the ground he jumped off.

A shiny dragonfly hummed above.

''Hello Mister, how do you glitter?'' asked Little Chick.

''Ha ha, that's the sun on my wings,'' replied Mr. Dragonfly.

''You are beautiful,'' said Mandy.

''Thank you,'' answered Mr. Dragonfly.

''The water is shining too. It must be the sun playing on it,'' said wise little Chick.

A blackbird whistled and sang on a tree on the other side of the stream.

''What a beautiful place this is,'' said Mandy. ''I am so glad we came here.''

''Me too,'' said Little Chick.

''Hey, it's a long time since we came here. Shall we go home? Mama Hen may be waiting for us,'' said Mandy aloud.

''Let's play a little more,'' cheeped all the chicks.

''Only five minutes more and we must go.''

''Ok,'' said the chicks running happily here and there.

Mandy looked up. ''No big birds, thank goodness,'' she said to herself.

Then, someone was shaking her.

''Why? Why?'' cried Mandy. ''I have to take the chicks home.''

''Have you been dreaming, Mandy?'' asked Mother.

''Oh! Mum!'' said Mandy, ''Little Chick was so sweet.''

Mum laughed and said, ''Mandy dear, its time to drink your orange juice.''

Mandy looked down and saw her picture book open on her lap. The picture was a farmyard with little yellow chicks and a big red Mama Hen.

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