ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday October 28, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 22

Be stimulated by Kundalini yoga

By Madhushala Senaratne

A renowned master of kundalini yoga once said that it is our birthright to be happy, healthy and holy. “However the fulfilment of this right depends on our ability to be in control of our acts and ourselves and yoga is a tool which helps us achieve this state,” says Cormac Davey who teaches this form of yoga in Colombo.

We live in a stressful, anxious and insecure world, where we are hardly conscious of our acts. “For example consider a simple act such as breathing. Our posture, affects our breathing which in turn affects our health. Yoga trains you to be conscious of such acts,” Cormac said.

There are different types of yoga, each emphasising different aspects. For example, Hatha Yoga lays emphasis on posture, while other forms such as Bhakti and Karma emphasise devotion and service respectively. Kundalini yoga encompasses and draws from all yogic systems and techniques. It is a relatively new form of yoga, which was introduced to the West by Yogi Bhajan. “Kundalini yoga too has its many forms,” Cormac said.

Kundalini yoga, like any other form of yoga is a potent and effective system of self-transformation and personal development. It stimulates individual growth through systematic techniques that strengthen the nervous system and balances the glandular system (the guardians of health), for increased stability and vitality.

Meditation, which is also an aspect of yoga, improves mental concentration, sharpens awareness and gives a direct experience of consciousness.“Yoga means a union between the mind, body and soul. It is a union between our human and spiritual self while also recognizing that while we are human beings, we are also spiritual beings,” Cormac explained.

Sunder Singh, a yoga and meditation master from the USA who has taught and practised Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, for the past 35 years will conduct a workshop at the Mount Lavinia Hotel from November 2 – 5. The course will be from 4.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day.

For more information contact 0773283419 (Cormac/Fiona), 0777907321 (Annoushka) or email:

It gives you a sense of direction. An ancient philosophy and approach to life, yoga helps you understand what you should and should not do.

Yoga is practised for a variety of reasons such as for weight concerns, relieving stress, for better posture, to feel energetic and flexible or as a form of exercise,” he said, explaining that sometimes people fail to comprehend its true benefits.

The word ‘kundalini’ literally means ‘a lock of hair’. It is a metaphor, a poetic way of life describing the flow of energy and consciousness that already exists within each one of us. These practices enable you to merge with, or ‘yoke’ with the universal self. This merging of individual consciousness with universal unconsciousness creates a ‘divine union’.

The kundalini yoga class is simple and includes the chanting of several mantras at the beginning and end of the session.The standard format of the session includes exercises incorporating breathing, relaxation and meditation. Some classes include discussions about life and spiritual philosophy.

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