ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 50

Get with it

By Vidushi Seneviratne

Come next weekend, gear yourself for some serious entertainment. Some of the biggest names in the local pop industry are coming together in the latest entertainment event to hit Colombo, and they will make sure that you have the time of your life. "Asian Culture Live in Concert" scheduled to be held on May 19, at 7pm, at the Bishop’s College Auditorium, will not only be a good listen, but also promises to have some quality entertainment in store.

Organised by Kurrykonnexion, in association with Interact District 3220, the initial idea for the concert came from Gajan Maheson, of Gajan and Dinesh fame. "Dinesh and I will be performing, along with Krishan, and Bathiya, Santhush, Ashanthi and Randhir, while there will also be a guest performance by Born Killer, a professional rapper who has won many international awards. The back-up for the show will be by DJ Scorpio."

According to him, the concert is a tribute to three successful albums, recently released; namely Gajan and Dinesh's 'Cross Culture,' Krishan's 'Asian Avenue' and 'Ayubowan (Namaste)' of B 'n' S fame. "It will be three hours of fully-fledged entertainment, where the albums will be promoted, and the fans of one artiste can get a feel of the kind of entertainment that the other artistes produce. Having seen and listened to most of these songs on the media, this mega concert will be a good opportunity for everybody to come and see all their favourite hits being performed live."

"We will be donating part of the proceeds of the concert to the Children's Health Camp, in Kurunegala, and this is our finance project for the year," says Buddhi Paranama (19), the Interact District Secretary and the Project Chairperson for this particular project. He added that other activities such as setting up a tube well in the area, and also providing eye glasses are on the cards. "The committee organising the concert has about 10 members, from schools around Colombo, who are between the age range of 15-19 years."

Speaking to Gajan, we learned that this is just the beginning of an interesting series of concerts to be held around the country. "While this first concert will be held in Colombo, the next one will be held in June in Kandy, followed by a concert in Negombo in July, winding up with one in Galle in August. So our target audience won't be one particular group of people, and they will be able to experience the music that we will be bringing to their homes and their towns, irrespective of where they live."

He added that the "Asian Culture Live in Concert" will not only be a musical concert, but also an extremely interactive show, with cash prizes and other giveaways galore. "So we request everyone to come and join us at this entertaining event, which at the end of the day is for a worthy cause."

The sponsors for the event are Hatton National Bank, Red Bull, Nescafe and Nescafe Ice, while the official paint sponsor is Multilac. The electronic media sponsors are MTV and NBC Radio Networks.

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