ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 46

The cadres are protected, but what about the people?

By Regina, Polhengoda

The Karuna Amman faction of the Eastern Province has started opening what they call offices for political activity in Colombo.
This faction is an armed group and cannot be called a law-abiding one.

The Government provides security for these offices using army cadres complete with sand bag enclosures at considerable expense. The helpless residents in the vicinity are ignored.

Would the Government pay the cost of alternative accommodation to residents in this high-risk area and compensation for deaths and injury and also damage to house and property? Other armed factions are likely to attack such offices causing considerable harm to life and property in the vicinity.

Would the CMC reduce rates/taxes as the value of property in the vicinity has gone down considerably? Many houses have been vacated.

Is there any responsible authority to whom the helpless residents can appeal to?

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