ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 46
Financial Times  

Business protection amidst urban terrorism

By Damith Kurunduhewa
Hell broke loose – this time from the dark sky – over the Air Force base at Katunayake on March 26. We Sri Lankans experienced an aerial bombing – death from above scenario - after 65 years and the planet earth experienced the first ever “ terrorist airborne attack ” in the history of mankind. Everything that happened thereafter are a (usual) comedy of hilarious excuses that spoke volumes of reality once more. We now have crash landed to such a level of professional bankruptcy that the error of target judgment by the enemy is shamelessly interpreted as our combat efficiency.

“Our security is in our own hands” - or so were the words of a man with wisdom – a late President of Sri Lanka. We opted to be critics of his view and waited till others do the magic for us. Two more decades down the lane, we rapidly are realizing that the wise old gentleman was right.

We are a nation that only has PROMISES of protection. From the date of the brutal assassination of the Mayor of Jaffna - Alfred Duraiappa in 1976, up to the most recent terrorist attack, things were made to appear under control. Yet, for how many more weeks ? For 30 long years we played nothing but games while a terrorist cluster that began with five boys grew up to what it is today.
The voices from the corridors of power echoed during last 30 years – that terrorism is just about to be crushed and wiped out. A cancer cannot be cured by treating the symptoms. Terrorism cannot be wiped out by erasing an identity. Tiger terrorists are an identity. Not the cause.

As long as the root cause is in existence, the fertile landscape for terrorism is (sadly) going to stay – up north there and down south here. The nation has been and is paying a colossal price in terms of lives, assets and the growth while a few have always been benefited in terms of power, glory and wealth.

The major businesses are a core channel of state revenue which contributes to the effort of combating terrorism. Therefore, in order to cripple the local fund inflows of the state, the terrorists could - any day - decide upon releasing their killer force on businesses. It in fact is only a matter of thought – on their part.

The location, the time, the methodology and the magnitude of the destruction are decided by THEM as per their own strategic road map which is often beyond ordinary grasp and anticipation. Air Ceylon, Air Lanka and Srilankan Airlines are such victims of destructive terrorist attacks - time and again. The illusionary notion that “ Terrorists will not attack businesses ” does not hold water - for the simple reason that the DECISION OF ATTACK takes place in the mind of the terrorist and - not within the parameters of our board rooms.

The Military and the Police admitted that their rank and file has been infiltrated by terrorists. This is despite the cautious induction controls they exercise. Recruitment of business associates are obviously a risky and complex endeavour in an ambience of terrorism. The associate whom we recruit, offer a designation and issue a corporate identity card could well be a sleeping terrorist under our wing without us scenting the danger. He or she waits for the order of destruction – someday.

An employee of a Sri Lankan bank connived with a gang of criminals and robbed the bank in order to raise funds for his by-pass surgery few years ago. Terrorism offers more lucrative personal benefits both locally and abroad. The secret loyalty can be bought over in full, partly or on assignment basis.

The military and the police suffered such acts of connivance by some in their ranks and more can happen in businesses where vigil watch and surveillance are practically very low or - the worse - none existing.

Contingency Management
A bomb warning, discovered bomb, bomb explosion, terrorist armed assault or hostage crisis within and around a business locality demands purpose designed corporate contingency management approach - than just resting the responsibility on the state agencies alone. It is our business, our staff, our customers, our assets and our image that needs protection, response, recovery and continuance on a customized basis.

The Irish Republican Army – IRA terrorists further intimidated the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher after she escaped their assassination attempt by way of a bomb explosion stating “Madam, you have to be lucky always. But we have to be lucky only once ”.

Businesses however cannot rely upon sheer luck. Nothing is worse in business – than not knowing what to do next - in a protective crisis.

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