Letters to the Editor

25th January 1998

Al Aqsa: the golden dome

Oh, Al Aqsa the golden dome the jewel that decks the Jerusalem sky, what sad fate has befallen you that makes our hearts to weep and sigh,

Jerusalem, the city that couched your holy precincts for ten thousand moons or more' A quarter century or more in Zionists hand you stand and woefully maybe many moons to go.

In black golds luxury lap Muslim hands that ruled, and which sceptres bore,

While like a stalker in the night Zionist aggressors Jerusalem's hallowed wall tore.

The west with gift of arms did bless and cheer on this blatant act of aggression,

To Palestinians, a heap of UN resolutions to please and soothe in crafty consolation.

The Muslim world helplessly in slumber did fall down prostrate,

Leaving Jerusalem and Al Aqsa to bear invaders' onslaught and downcast fate.

Oh Al Aqsa now they try to burn you cinders down,

To supplant with a myth of Solomon's temple they did found.

A further step, excavations round you the occupiers work apace,

Your holy edifice they vow to destory a mythical temple to replace.

A tunnel deep under the Great Mosque they did bore,

The sad result cracks and faults on Aqsa's walls and holy floor.

Oh Jerusalem! consumerism, materialism, bars and hot spots round you do now mushroom,

Where once cobbled streets and pathways God's Message. Messengers promote and bloom.

The gods of clay from the West now the holy land hold sway, A sojourn in Jerusalem will vouch to which I say.

Oh Al Aqsa! through your environs our Beloved Prophet went up high,

Inspite of stench below, the Prophet's fragrance invigorates Jerusalem's starlit sky.

The last Friday of Ramadan Muslims the world over hold as Al Quds day,

To awaken a billion souls conscience to noble duty and struggle in Allah's way.

Oh Muslims AI Aqsa like a damsel plunged in distress now do weep,

Crying out 'O Muslims when days of yore Europ'es crusading hordes your Jerusalem did sweep.

Siddiq Ghouse

Colombo 4

Burghers have an identity too

I have noticed with some sadness and embarrassment that the governmental agencies and the Media have stopped considering the Burghers and smaller communities as integral parts of this nation.

Thus many newspapers on the occasion of national feasts like New Year's Day, show pictures of Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim children only, symbolizing the people of this country. The same is true in dances and pageants put on by the schools on similar occasions.

The President in her talks refers only to the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities. This was not the practice of the late President Premadasa, who always included the Burghers in his talks.

We do not have the exact statistics owing to the lack of recent censuses. The 1981 Census gave the number of Burghers as 39,374. This community of persons, whose home language is English has been increased by the introduction of many couples of mixed Sri Lankan-European origin whose children speak English at home and who follow many western cultural practices.

The Malays also form a distinct community. If we count the Muslim population as 7.5 per cent of a total population of 18 million, we get 1.35 million Muslims. The Malays are said to form 3 percent - ie. 40,500 persons - of the Muslim population. The Malays are included with the Muslims, but are really of different racial origin, hailing from Indonesia and Malaysia.

The Burghers are however different. They are the descendants of the Portuguese, Dutch and British who settled down in this island, which is their mother country. They have contributed much to the economic, social, political, religious and cultural life of the country. Their ancestors shone in professions like medicine, law and engineering and they formed the back-bone of the Railway and Postal departments in colonial days.

Even today, those who continue to reside here and have refused the enticements to emigrate to Australia and Canada, make their modest contribution to national life. It would be invidious to mention names.

It may serve the cause of national unity, which we are all striving for, and the building of a truly Sri Lankan identity, if the Burghers and persons of mixed race are included each time the ethnic communities are mentioned. Of course it may be said that the new families of mixed racial origin may prefer to be assimilated into the bigger Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim groups.

To invent a new label like 'Euro Lankan' may seem pedantic. It should be understood that the appellation 'Burgher' includes those of European descent who have made this island their home. As we approach the 50th anniversary of Independence, it will be useful to reflect on these facts and give the Burghers and other smaller minorities, their rightful place in national life.

Dalston Forbes, O.M.I.


The greatest treasure they left behind

Some organisations and some Sri Lankans - in school boy language - "Copy Cats" - are quick to ape whatever the other countries do irrespective of whether they apply or suit this country or not. When some country demonstrates with banners and posters against certain actions in their countries, we Sri Lankans do the same here to show solidarity. If a spectator streaks across a playing field, someone takes the hint and does the same here. So it is with the National Joint Committee (NJC).

The NJC demands an apology from the British Monarchy for past atrocities and detrimental policies carried out during the colonial rule here and quotes Japan's recent apology as an example. Whether there is a similarity in the circumstances, I refrain to comment.

Let us go back to history. There were different periods in the process of advancement of mankind from the Caveman, stone age etc, where tribes, countries invaded to advance their territories and bring in new ways of life and thinking. We should consider these periods of invasion by other countries as one such age or period. Napoleon and Alexander the Great were conquerors. Do the present day countries effected by those invasions now demand apologies? Our country was invaded by South India several times during the reign of our Sinhalese Kings. In more recent times the intervention of Rajiv Gandhi on the ethnic issue and threatening to send a flotilla. Have we or are we contemplating any action to seek an apology? This may be another phase or period in history. There may come an age or period in history that the word 'mine' will be replaced with 'ours'. That should be the ultimate goal to reach the highest standard of civilization.

The NJC or the anti-British thinkers should consider what legacy the Britisher left for us in the plantations, administration and law. When speaking of law, there was law and order and enforced without any discrimination. What do we experience today after 50 years of self rule - independence - corruption, thuggery and all sorts of crimes are committed with impunity. Didn't they preserve our culture, religion? The setting up of the Survey Department, Public Works, Archives, archaeological and various departments are monuments of their sincerity to develop this country which they handed over without a drop of blood being shed. They encouraged local art and customs. Weren't there Sinhala writers who were free to write and publish. The names of Martin Wickramasinghe, Munidasa Kumaratunga come to my mind.

The greatest treasure they left behind is their language - English - without which this country could be far behind the developing countries in science and technology. Thanks to the present government, English is being taught in schools from Grade 1. Those who cry anti-British slogans are those who have had the best of English education, here and abroad and have gained high positions in government and public sector. What's more, even their children are sent abroad to learn English.

There may have been atrocities carried out at that time to meet a situation both for the sake of the country and themselves; but please weigh the good and the bad and I am sure the balance will tilt more to the good rather than the bad.

Finally, it is hoped that those who plan to demonstrate on the day of the arrival of Prince Charles will not do so in trousers and shirts - European dress - and hold banners and posters written in English.

The Sinhalese race is world renowned for hospitality and receiving guests with broad smiles. Let that be our way always.

G. A. D. Sirimal


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