Home » ColumnsGovt. hotlines in cold storage: Times Online reveals 70 non-functional shortcodes

A Times Online investigation has revealed that many government hotlines and non-emergency shortcodes are not functional. The study of more than 65 four-digit shortcodes and five other government hotlines showed that many were not functional, with lines being cut due to ‘No answer’ or ‘lack of connection’. On some lines, the waiting time was more than [...]
External reserves increase to US$ 5.1 billion despite widening trade deficit

The balance of payments and external reserves improved at the end of April this year. Gross external reserves (including a Yuan currency swap of US$ 1.5 billion) increased to US$ 5.1 billion. The government expects the external reserves to increase to over US$ 6 billion by the end of this year. Expectation Its expectations depend [...]
Gods snub Modi’s ambitious prayers for landslide triumph

Modi loses his iron grip on India and will have to modify his strongman style of governing to suit changing times No man has done it thrice, except India’s freedom-winning first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Today, as Narendra Modi stands poised to step into Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s great-grandfather’s chappals and enter the Hall of Fame, [...]
And then he presented that kingly gift…

It is not customary for this column to devote its space to Sri Lanka’s diplomats presenting their credentials to the head of the host country. It is a commonplace event, as every head of mission from whichever country he or she comes from and to whichever country he or she is posted goes through this [...]
What were you thinking?

My dear Range, I thought of writing to you after I heard you saying that we should all get together for the sake of the country and, instead of having elections in a few months, give Uncle Ranil two more years on the job to finish the task he began when Gota maama fled the [...]
Sparks fly over Electricity Bill; eventually passed by a majority vote of 44

By Sandun Jayawardana The Sri Lanka Electricity Bill, which paves the way for wide-ranging reforms in the country’s power generation sector, was passed in Parliament on Thursday by a majority of 44 votes. The bill received 103 votes in favour and 59 against in the vote on the Second Reading. The bill was passed with [...]
Sri Lanka’s Les Misérables: Flood victims need more government attention and sustainable solutions

The country is going through one of its periodic flood cycles, resulting in more than 30 deaths and several thousand victims in various districts. This is not a new phenomenon; floods’ recurrence has become a regular feature during monsoon rains. The inconvenience and disruption of normal life caused by the floods impact mostly the poor [...]
President prepares for campaign, but doubts still continue over his candidature
Champika meets Basil to urge SLPP to ally with his URF and back him as presidential candidate SLPP strategist disfavours move, but says he too awaits President’s decision Another major blow to Sirisena; SC says he abused presidential powers in granting pardon to a murder convict; Rathana Thera’s role is also revealed By Our Political [...]
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