Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Dilan Ratnayake of the Attorney General’s Department was conferred Silk yesterday. Mr Ratnayake was invited to take his seat in the inner bar by Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya at a ceremonial sitting held in the Supreme Court on May 8. Mr Ratnayake took his oath of office as a President’s Counsel [...]

Sunday Times 2

New Additional Solicitor General takes oaths


Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Dilan Ratnayake of the Attorney General’s Department was conferred Silk yesterday.

Mr Ratnayake was invited to take his seat in the inner bar by Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya at a ceremonial sitting held in the Supreme Court on May 8.

Mr Ratnayake took his oath of office as a President’s Counsel in a Ceremonial Court in the presence of many lawyers, his family, friends and well- wishers.

Mr Ratnayake joined the Attorney General’s Department as a state counsel in 1997, and has been working there for the past 27 years. He has worked in all criminal courts in our country as a state counsel and a special prosecutor. Mr Ratnayake serves as a consultant to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and to the Commission to investigate Allegations of Bribery and corruption (CIABOC). He has also conducted prosecutions under these special laws.

ASG Ratnayake is presently a senior lecturer and examiner in Criminal Procedure at the Sri Lanka Law College. He has been an examiner there since 2017.

President’s Counsel Dilan Ratnayake hails from a family of legal luminaries. He’s the eldest son of President’s Counsel Aloy N Ratnayake and Swineetha Ratnayake.

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