A plea to right the wrong done to senior citizens over FD income The banks have delivered a serious killer blow to the senior citizens under the DDR/DDO. The interest rate on Fixed Deposits has been slashed to 10 -12% of late. With the 23 -27% rate given by the banks in the latter part [...]


Letters to the Editor


A plea to right the wrong done to senior citizens over FD income

The banks have delivered a serious killer blow to the senior citizens under the DDR/DDO. The interest rate on Fixed Deposits has been slashed to 10 -12% of late. With the 23 -27% rate given by the banks in the latter part of 2022, senior citizens were able to make ends meet without pleading for handouts. Not that they lived in luxury even then!

The new rates have created a great deal of misery already.

Many opinions have been expressed on this vexing subject. But it does not provoke 84% of the population, or the banks. They think, “We’re alright. Why bother?”

Unless the government comes up with a scheme of preferential/special rates of interest, senior citizens are going to be a burden on the government and society. Unwillingly, and unknowingly they will perforce contribute to the present ills. Worsen conditions.

A very large part of the senior citizen population has served the country and nation well when they were able bodied. The scheme of 15% interest the senior citizens earned before 2022 would be hardly enough in today’s world! No, we are not howling for all the 16 ounces! Only for a fair deal relative to what the country today is.

The only person who has the enthusiasm and the vision to alleviate the condition is our President, Ranil Wickremesinghe. He is still on the rope bridge, and has traversed only a part. (Not done too badly according to the writer.) But formulating a desirable scheme will not hinder his journey, or be beyond him. Contrarily, he will garner more appreciation and blessings to end the difficult journey with acclamation from all.

For the sake of all the senior citizens of the country (the writer included), I earnestly appeal to Mr Wickremesinghe to initiate a course of action that would obviate any hardships to this part of the population in consideration of their contribution to the country and nation.

Concerned Senior Citizen   Malabe

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