Ambassador E Rodney M Perera, along with Embassy staff, met and congratulated three Presidents’ Scouts of Sri Lanka currently living in Japan; Prasad Dunstan, Saitama Prefecture, Kasun Priyankara, Kanagawa Prefecture and Bhanuka Karunarathna, Shizuoka Prefecture, who were selected to represent the Japanese Scout Contingent at the 25th World Scout Jamboree 2023 to be held in [...]

Sunday Times 2

Three Presidents’ Scouts of SL “25th World Scout Jamboree” in South Korea


Ambassador E Rodney M Perera, along with Embassy staff, met and congratulated three Presidents’ Scouts of Sri Lanka currently living in Japan; Prasad Dunstan, Saitama Prefecture, Kasun Priyankara, Kanagawa Prefecture and Bhanuka Karunarathna, Shizuoka Prefecture, who were selected to represent the Japanese Scout Contingent at the 25th World Scout Jamboree 2023 to be held in SaeManGeum, South Korea from August 1-12.

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