Sri Lanka has condemned the burning of the sacred text of Islam – the Holy Quran – outside a mosque in Sweden during the Eid al Adha celebrated by Muslims worldwide. “The exercise of the freedom of expression carries with it the responsibility to exercise this right in a manner that respects the rights of [...]


Lanka condemns burning of the Quran outside mosque in Sweden


Sri Lanka has condemned the burning of the sacred text of Islam – the Holy Quran – outside a mosque in Sweden during the Eid al Adha celebrated by Muslims worldwide.

“The exercise of the freedom of expression carries with it the responsibility to exercise this right in a manner that respects the rights of others and to ensure that it does not give license to create divisions and hatred based on religion,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“In the interest of national and international peace and harmony, all countries and individuals have an obligation to prevent acts of religious intolerance and hatred which lead to polarization among communities,” the release added.

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