A summary of critical ‘system changes’ to be legalised before any election This writer was prompted to send this having noted a national newspaper going  on record that nobody has so far come out specifically  with the much hyped ‘System changes’. As far back as in 2016 the writer as a senior citizen/sovereign voter was [...]


Letters to the Editor


A summary of critical ‘system changes’ to be legalised before any election

This writer was prompted to send this having noted a national newspaper going  on record that nobody has so far come out specifically  with the much hyped ‘System changes’. As far back as in 2016 the writer as a senior citizen/sovereign voter was convinced  that our complex electoral system has proved beyond  reasonable doubt that it has fundamentally  failed to  a)  maintain fairness and rationality  in  the allocation of seats to the national parliament  b)  ensure selection of  suitable ‘political professionals‘ to represent sovereign voters in keeping with the changing times and c) make the main stakeholders viz. the simple voters understand the system and mark their vote judiciously.

Accordingly, the writer prepared a package of electoral reforms/‘system changes’ in 2016 but although this was sent to the relevant officials and the media, the outcome so far has been sadly confined to an acknowledgement of receipt.

A summary of the said holistic package is given below, to enable all concerned Lankans to offer their input it.

1.   Ensure ‘Equality’ of Citizens Vote as per UN convention 1948 and forge ‘Sri Lankan-ness’ by allocating seats to parties based on their national /district  vote percentage at Parliament and PC elections.

2.  Guarantee nomination of merit based, genuine ‘country-first political professionals as people’s representatives by mandating minimum eligibility criteria and a standardized structured interview marking system  for all contesting parties.

3.   Secure women and youth representation (20% each) in Parliament/PCs, by mandating at least one woman and one youth below the age of 35 among every five persons in all district/electorate nominee lists in merit order.

4.   Stipulate objective oriented mandatory criteria for nomination of 29 National List MPs.

5.   Abolish ‘Manape’ and Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems.

6.   The ‘Five-year Party Election Manifesto’ should be a prosecutable document subject to a regulatory mechanism and so the voter could accept it as the primary determinant for a wise voting decision.

7.   Fix a ‘common maximum expenditure limit’ for all ‘party campaigns’ to ensure a level playing field and also to create an opportunity for more deserving applicants lacking financial strength.  (This item has since been legalised)

8.   Install a ‘Sustainable National Cabinet’ system to foster ‘Sri Lankan-ness’ by allocating Cabinet seats to parties based on their vote % at a General Election.

9.   Ban ‘cross-overs’ to ensure an ethical and consensual political culture sans ‘corrupt deals’.

10. Objectively strengthen Provincial Councils and rationalise the role and fringe benefits of MPs.

11. Depoliticise Local Govt. Elections to ensure fair and corruption free service to people through election of respectable, acceptable ‘Independent’ candidates in the locality. With the establishment of NMSJ proposed independent ‘Jana Sabhas’ (JS) at ‘Grama Niladhari Division (GND) level, JS nominees would be the ideal candidates to represent people and elections can be conducted by Divisional Secretaries.

12. Hold General and PC Elections and if possible, the relevant referenda too on the same day to save time and money. It can become easier after introducing the much awaited electronic voting system.

13. Complete all pre-requisites to abolish the executive presidency paving the way to elect a ‘Hybrid Governor General’. The Constitutional Council shall propose 3 independent candidates, one of whom shall be elected from the vote of Parliament and PC members. He/She will have additional powers to appoint Provincial Governors and through them ensure the timely execution of Parliament approved laws, budgets and programmes. This step, will enhance productivity of the system sans red tape and achieve massive savings on election and other expenses.

14. Prioritise approval of the above critical ‘system changes’ to be effective before any future election.

I would like to appeal to all religious leaders, concerned politicians, civil and professional organizations, the intelligentsia and trade unions in the country to bring the entire country under one banner to forge the above ‘system changes’ without any further delay.

Bernard Fernando   Via email

To the shrine of St. Anthony’s Kochchikade

Dedicated to St. Anthony- the wonder worker divine

Stands the much-revered cosmopolitan shrine

Against a backdrop of lapping waters and surging waves

A foreground of the busy streets and populace

One hundred and eighty-nine years its doors open wide

To those seeking solace in the storms of life

An anchor in life’s tempestuous sea

Devotees kneel in prayerful appeal

Hail shrine of comfort in all the nation’s ills

Long may you remain the national shrine of goodwill

Gathering the diverse peoples of our isle

’neath St Anthony’s restorative powers benign.

 Jeannette Cabraal   Kelaniya

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