Aragalaya’s Fundamental Right farce: When lawyers distort facts

By H.R.H. Amarasinghe, Convenor, Citizens Collective for Law and Order In July, Sri Lanka went through one of the most turbulent chapters of its post-independence era with the departure and resignation of its President, the election of a new President by Parliament, and the takeover of the President’s House, the Secretariat, the Prime Minister’s office and [...]
Rejection of reason and hard facts of experience caused the Lankan crisis?

The continuous pursuit of failed strategies in politics and other disciplines in the hope of achieving a successful objective defies logical reasoning and ends in abject failure. This is the conclusion of a distinguished American historian. Dictionaries of quotations abound with pronouncements of optimism such as ‘Failures are the pillars of success’, by those of [...]
Japanese FM’s Commendation awarded to Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society

A Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation was presented to Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society by Mr Mizukoshi Hideaki, Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka on September 6, at Studio 3, Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, Colombo 7. The ceremony was part of the special TV programme commemorating J R Jayewardene’s historic speech at the San Francisco Peace [...]
Health Ministry receives free eye lenses from HelpAge Sri Lanka

The Ministry of Health recently received Rs five million worth foldable intra-ocular eye lenses from HelpAge Sri Lanka (HASL) to be distributed countrywide among Government hospitals. Health Ministry Director General Dr Asela Gunawardana accepted the lenses on behalf of the Health Ministry from HelpAge Sri Lanka Executive Director Samantha Liyanawaduge. The lenses were donated following [...]
Editors resolve 169 complaints under the ‘Right of Reply’ option
National newspaper Editors resolved 169 complaints made directly to them by aggrieved readers in 2021, while the Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka (PCCSL) handled 57 complaints from the public, of which 16 were outside its scope. The complaints resolved by the Editors come under Clause 04. ‘Opportunity to Reply’ (‘Right of Reply’) procedure laid [...]
Strides taken include safety of women journalists and tackling misinformation
Sri Lanka Press Institute 19th AGM The Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) held its 19th Annual General Meeting last Wednesday (7th) virtually on the Zoom web conferencing platform. The meeting was attended by representatives of its constituent partners, the Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka (NSSL), the Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka (TEGOSL), the Free Media [...]
Green development is now the only option
By Alessio Terzi, exclusively for the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka In the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, this year’s energy crisis has intensified the debate over what policies developing countries should be putting first. Some argue that poor countries should focus on development rather than decarbonisation; others [...]