Uncovering Lanka’s archaelogical secrets since the 1970s

Takashi Okamura has been on epic explorations in Sri Lanka from the 1970s. The Hosei University Exploration Club of which he is Chairman has made several ‘discoveries’ during their 11 explorations in Sri Lanka’s jungles and among its archaeological ruins from 1973 right up to 2018. Takashi has been the lead and member of seven [...]
Lessons from the greatest lecture in medicine

On a chilly morning on October 21, 1926, Dr Francis Peabody stepped out of his house to deliver a lecture to the graduating students at Harvard University. He had prepared carefully, as was his norm for any lecture he gave. Little did he realise that the talk, which was later published in JAMA, would become [...]
Colombo Wind Orchestra marks 10 years

Sri Lanka’s only concert wind band, the Colombo Wind Orchestra, celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special concert on September 9, at the Lionel Wendt Theatre, under the baton of Keiko Kobayashi. Ms. Kobayashi who is currently the principal conductor of the Japan Wind Ensemble, has conducted many celebrated wind orchestras including the Tokyo Kosei [...]
A book that will always tug at my heartstrings
Over long years of reading, there is one book that is dearer to my heart than others. It is not a classic by any means; it has not sold a million copies. Yet, to me, it is more than a classic, more than a bestseller. It is a book that has not been sold outside [...]
At one with all-embracing spirituality

Water splashes over my sunburnt face, cooling it in the glare of the early morning sun, as a rainbow of sparkly sequins ripples across the packed Kataragama river. This incredibly mystical spot has been believed for thousands of years to dispel the traumas and demonic evils of daily life. We have come to attend Kataragama’s [...]
Letters to the Editor
Raising bogey of diaspora to cover their misdeeds Recently at a meeting Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said that it was the diaspora that had connived with local forces to oust the Rajapaksas. This is an insult to the Aragalaya and the thousands of ordinary people, women and children who participated voluntarily in the protests to redeem [...]

She brought sunshine to people’s lives SUTAMI RATNAVALE The news that Sutami Ratnavale had passed away at the end of June came as a shock to me and although I did feel very sad, I consoled myself in the knowledge that she is now in the nearer presence of her Heavenly Father. How does one [...]