Limited transport options continue to hinder students

With schools being reopened throughout the week, one of the main complaints has been the lack of adequate transport. This picture from Dambulla shows students trying to get to their schools using the limited transport facilities available. They claimed the state run bus services have not been sufficient for them. Pic by Kanchana Kumara Ariyadasa
Admission to intermediary classes allowed till next year
The Education Ministry has decided to permit admissions to intermediary classes to schools until a new system is put in place early next year, Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said recently. Accordingly applications for admission to these classes will be received only until the end of this month, he said. However, students whose parents have been [...]
Dual teaching methods or only physical classes; State universities to decide next week
The University Grants Commission (UGC) will summon all state university vice chancellors tomorrow to discuss whether universities will continue with dual teaching methods or only physical classes. Medical faculties resumed academic activities due to clinical training and physical lectures, and some engineering faculties also resumed classes due to practical lessons, UGC Chairman Sampath Amaratunge said. [...]
Two-acre land to be given to Nawalapitiya Al-Safa School
A Cabinet proposal to provide the Nawalapitiya Al-Safa School with two acres of land from the Railway Department has been accepted. The school was established in 2013 under the 1000 secondary school reconstruction programme. The school had around four to five students at the time, and a Railway Department warehouse provided the required space. However, [...]
Arts Faculty at University of Jaffna undergoes changes
The Education Ministry has decided to gazette these respective departments under two different faculties, an official from the University of Jaffna said recently. Accordingly, the Department of Music, Department of Instrumental Music, Department of Dance, Department of Painting, Department of Sculpture and Department of Drama and Theatre Arts have been gazetted under the Sri Ponnambalam [...]
Hindi classes begin at Jaffna Hindu College for students and old boys
Jaffna Hindu College’s foreign languages learning unit began Hindi classes on Wednesday for students who are willing to learn the official language of India. Current students and old boys can attend classes to gain fluency in the language, and the initiative is supported by the Consulate General of India in Jaffna. The unit was also [...]
Ed. Ministry to discuss fuel quota with school van drivers
To discuss the possibilities of increasing the fuel quota for school vans in view of the decision to fully reopen schools from this week onwards, the Education Ministry has called for a discussion with school van drivers next week. An Education Ministry official said Ceylon Petroleum Corporation officials too will be at the meeting. The [...]
Sri Lanka to sign MoU with Nepal for science, tech and innovation
Sri Lanka to sign MoU with Nepal for science, tech and innovation The Cabinet has approved a proposal to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Sri Lankan and Nepalese governments for collaboration in the fields of science, technology and innovation. Approval had already been granted on June 21 last year, to the Skills Development, [...]
Online library platform by J’pura Uni and DAISY Lanka Foundation
The University of Sri Jayewardenepura has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) Lanka Foundation to establish an accessible and reliable online library platform for people with printing disabilities. The signing of the occasion also signified the prominent role of the university and its faculty in fulfilling a social responsibility, [...]
Master of Christian Studies launched at the University of Jaffna
A new postgraduate degree programme–Master of Christian Studies–has been launched by the Graduate Studies Faculty at the University of Jaffna. The grand launching and inauguration of the programme for the first batch took place at the faculty auditorium recently. The university’s vice chancellor Prof. S. Srisatkunarajah was the chief guest at the ceremony. Bishop of [...]
OREL and J’Pura join hands for IoT based smart farming tech
The Urban and Aquatic Bioresources Faculty at the Sri Jayewardenepura University has started a research collaboration on the development of Internet of Things (IoT) based smart farming technology with OREL Corporation Pvt Ltd. They signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recently for research collaboration. Internet of Things (IoT) in urban agriculture was designed as an [...]
Prof. Sudantha Liyanage appointed to the ACU council
University of Sri Jayewardenepura Vice Chancellor Sudantha Liyanage has been appointed to the council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). He will be representing Constituency II (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) for a period of three years August 1 2022, onwards. The ACU was established in 1913 and has more than 500 member institutions [...]
Pakistan’s Jinnah Scholarships awarded to Lankan A/L students once more

A special ceremony was organised by the Pakistan High Commission, at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) on August 16 to award bright and deserving local A/L students. The ceremony was held in continuation of Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day celebrations marked on August 14. Scholarships have been awarded by Pakistan’s Government to aspiring Sri [...]
Why early education needs a technology transformation
We need more research on integrating developmentally appropriate technology literacy into young children’s daily learning environment By Sandy Baba Caring for a child occurs naturally for most of us. Even the most uptight adults will melt when a baby is put in their arms. Evolutionarily, we just know how to nurture and care for children. [...]
Pearson Edexcel offers discounts on exam fees to support Sri Lankan students

Pearson Edexcel have considered the current economic situation in Sri Lanka and have taken the decision to offer a 15% discount on their exam board fees for the next academic year. This is in addition to freezing any planned fee increases. This is applicable for all Pearson Edexcel iPLS qualifications, International GCSE and International A Level qualifications – [...]
Choices Galore with NCUK at APIIT
Don’t limit yourself to one university! NCUK International Year One The NCUK International Year One is a first-year undergraduate equivalent programme that builds students’ knowledge and skills. It prepares and qualifies students for entry to the second year of undergraduate courses offered by NCUK universities. NCUK guarantees students a place on a programme of study [...]
How To Make Your Health Prediction System Work For You

Hiruni Hasara Evumi Jayaratna Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hertfordshire Introduction A developing trend in the healthcare sector is health prediction systems. These systems use patient data analysis to forecast future health risks and provide patients with risk management advice or customized therapies and regimens for certain illness states. It’s crucial to [...]
Outstanding results at Advanced Level by students of Gateway

Two students with 5 A Stars Eight students with 4 A Stars Thirteen students with 3 A Stars Edexcel International Advanced Level (IAL) and Cambridge IAL 2022 results that have just been released highlight many stellar performances by the students of Gateway College. They include Thenula Hennayake and Pehan Amarathunge (5 A*s), Sesath Udukalage, Mizuki [...]
Don’t Lower Your Purpose Bar
At the moment when I was heading the marketing of a famous brand in Sri Lanka, I was supposed to obtain some very important certificates from a very powerful government regulatory authority. With everything prepared in order I went to submit my applications, while I was there the head of the application committee invited me [...]
Beaconhouse, the largest chain of schools in Pakistan adopts Edexcel Qualifications

Pearson-Edexcel and Beaconhouse School System, Pakistan’s largest network of private educational institutions with over 315,000 enrollees, have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the provision of assessment services and international academic qualifications to support students’ learning by offering world class qualifications. The MoU was signed by Kasim Kasuri, Chief Executive (CE) Beaconhouse, and [...]
Research, knowledge sharing and international collaborations in one house

TIIKM GAN- GLOBAL ACADEMIC NETWORK By Hiruni Jayaratne “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” – Antoine de Saint Exupery Research is what gather data and seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought. when researcher pen down or publishing the data [...]
Jump Start Sri Lanka : 500 ICT Scholarships by Rotary

In a unique partnership facilitated by the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Philippines, H.E. Shobini Gunasekera, 500 ICT scholarships worth Rupees 2 billion for the youth of Sri Lanka is opened for Registration for anyone above 18 years of age and has Distinction pass for Mathematics and English at the Ordinary Level Examination. A [...]
World Class Higher Education at World’s Top Ranked Universities Made Affordable at UCL
What are the choices, options, and opportunities available for your child’s higher education after O/Ls and A/Ls? We understand the common concerns you have as parents at an uncertain time like this where overseas education has become expensive, where students experience Visa delays and where students are left with limited opportunities to gain a recognised [...]
Canada awaits you! Join the only Canadian 2+2 Degree in Sri Lanka at UCL
Start Your Canadian Degree Programme at UCL and progress to the 3rd and 4th Year in Canada! Canada offers an outstanding quality of education that is affordable. Its popularity surged among international students worldwide as a destination that offers the best quality of life – and is consistently ranked #1 best country for quality of [...]
Crises are inevitable… How to face a brand crisis?

Crises are inevitable and there is no way that any organization avoid a crisis. What’s important is to handle the crisis well so that the negative effect of the crisis on a brand is minimised and controlled to a greater extent. Handling a crisis involves few steps which need to be followed to make sure [...]
Enroll for the Deakin University Degree pathway in Psychology @ PCHE

Prospects College of Higher Education (PCHE) in partnership with Deakin University Melbourne, Australia, offers a degree pathway in Psychology for students who have completed their A/L’s. Under this arrangement, students can commence their studies at PCHE Colombo, Sri Lanka, and upon successful completion of 1 year, transfer to Deakin University Australia to complete their Bachelor [...]
Monash University Partners with Prospects College for Early Childhood and Primary Education Degree Pathway

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, recently entered into a partnership with Prospects College of Higher Education (PCHE) to provide a credit transfer pathway for students who have successfully completed a Diploma in Early Childhood Education, awarded by Prospects College of Higher Education (PCHE). Under this articulation agreement, students will receive credit transfer for six modules for [...]
Royal Institute International School demonstrates Outstanding Performances at Cambridge AL Examination 2022

For many students who are serious about securing a strong academic footing, procuring outstanding results for the Cambridge Advanced Level examinations represents the start of an illustrious academic career. Being one of the most strenuous as well as fruitful courses a student can take up during their schooling life, doing the Cambridge AS and A [...]
Laying a solid foundation for Master’s progression, SLIIT guides Undergraduate Students to achieve the H-index 360+ and Q1 publication

Showcasing a research culture environment that is rewarding and successful, SLIIT students have once again achieved an H-Index and PLOS One publication for their research. The paper titled ‘Alcohol brings burdens: A global and continent wise study on alcohol consumption and global burden of diseases was a collaboration between SLIIT students Oshada Athukorala, Sanduni Ishara, [...]
You Can Shine as an Effective Communicator
The ability to communicate effectively is a great strength. Even as Sri Lanka is challenged with many problems, the clock of time in our life span is ticking. Are we doing our best to use our talents and resources to help and inspire others? Are we making the maximum to develop ourselves with knowledge and [...]
Become a globally educated Creative Director with Miami Ad School
Miami Ad School Sri Lanka & the Maldives has launched its Creative Director Programme. Applications are now open for the 2022 intake starting 6th September. World-renowned for producing some of the best creative minds currently working in industries ranging from marketing to tech to healthcare, Miami Ad School’s Creative Director Programme is hailed for training [...]

Academic Excellence and Competence CINEC Campus is located in Malabe a quiet picturesque suburb in the capital city of Colombo with branches in popular suburbs Nugegoda and cities of Jaffna and Trincomalee. With an Internationally acknowledged reputation over 32 years in providing world class higher education to its credit CINEC today having earned the recognition [...]
AIMGSL to host ‘Innovation And Entrepreneurship’ – Professional Series for 2022
August 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka – The Association of International Marketing Graduates in Sri Lanka (AIMGSL) announced the dates for its second Professional Series for 2022, to be held on August 31, 2022, at Barnes, Jetwing Colombo 7. The event is aimed at providing Marketers based within Sri Lanka an opportunity to expand their knowledge [...]
Cambridge International releases results for June 2022 series
Sri Lanka, August 18, 2022: At the end of another difficult year for students and schools, hundreds of students in Sri Lanka can celebrate this month after receiving their Cambridge International AS & A Level, and Cambridge IGCSE & O Level exam results. Cambridge International, part of the University of Cambridge and the largest provider [...]
Australian National Institute of Business and Technology (ANIBT) Pioneer in Culinary and Hospitality Education in Australia

Australian National Institute of Business and Technology (ANIBT) is a Leading private higher educational institution (RTO) approved by the Australian Government operates two main campuses in Melbourne (Brunswick and City Campus (Flinders Street) and a branch Campus in Sydney. ANIBT offers wide variety of programmes in Hospitality, Culinary, Management, Allied Health Sciences and many more [...]

Strengthening the ties between Belarusian Graduate’s Association and ISC Education Belarus has, through the years, evolved to be a popular destination for Sri Lankan students to pursue their higher education in engineering and medicine. The main reason is the high-quality education, safe environment, globally recognised degrees, Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) recognition, and some of [...]
Residential leadership programme for the Catholic Youth leaders

Sri Lanka University Catholic Students Movement conducted two day residential leadership programme for the Catholic Youth leaders in the State Universities. The Students were animated and motivated by Fr. Erick Lukman OMI. Fr. Reginold Jayamaha OMI attended well to the physical and house hold needs of the students. This programme was fully funded by several [...]
The Widening Global and Future Scope of Motion Graphics & Animation

Explored by AOD’s BA (Hons) Motion Graphics & Animation design programme that spans across industries both locally and globally While only a few years ago motion graphics and animation design was perceived as a specialty skill, today, it is almost omnipresent. From playful GIFs to the special effects in our favourite shows, from eye-catching advertising content [...]
CFA Institute waives annual subscription for members in Sri Lanka
CFA Institute has announced that membership dues for its members in Sri Lanka will be waived for the year from 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023. This decision has been made to support its local members in view of the ongoing crisis in Sri Lanka. Commenting on the decision, Arati Porwal, Director-Society Relations, CFA [...]