Lanka, Myanmar in turmoil face parallel problems

The world awoke aghast last week to the announcement by the military junta of Myanmar that four activists of imprisoned leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s political party had been executed. They had been accused of conspiring to commit acts of terror against the military junta, against which the great majority of people of Myanmar are [...]
Cometh the hour

Musing about an appropriate title for this column, I hit upon that well-known English saying ‘Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man.’ Try as I might, I have not been able to accurately identify its source – save that it is the title of one of Jeffrey Archer’s recent best sellers, and also the title of [...]
What if mangroves could float on top of the oceans?

By Benno Böer, Shawn Kelly & Andrew Dansie UNESCO is deeply engaged in the monitoring, scientific research and sustainable utilisation of mangroves. The inclusion of mangroves in UNESCO-designated sites, such as Biosphere Reserves, World Heritage sites and Global Geoparks contributes to improving the knowledge, management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems throughout the world. The tropical and [...]
How to beat developing-market debt crises
By Hippolyte Fofack Project Syndicate, exclusively for the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka Since the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, sovereign-debt crises have become a regular occurrence for emerging and developing economies. Today, Sri Lanka needs a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after defaulting on its foreign debt in May, and [...]