Students take to bikes amid fuel crisis

With the reopening of schools and transport difficulties many had to opt for alternative modes of transport. A group of students in Kochchukattiya in Puttalam rode to school on their bicycles. Pic by Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe
NIE and Ed. Ministry to introduce hybrid education system for schools
The National Institute of Education (NIE) along with the Education Ministry is to introduce a hybrid education system from next month to ensure that educational activities for school children continue. NIE Director Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawaratne said the system will be a combination of in-school sessions in physical classrooms, online activities and completing of assignments [...]
Vavuniya Uni. signs 15 MoUs to develop business and project management
The Vavuniya University had signed 15 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)s with community and industry organisations recently coinciding with the Commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of the Business Faculty, the Faculty’s Dean, Dr. Yogarajah Nanthagopan said recently. “The idea behind the MoUs is to share the capacities of the university and other stakeholders to better serve [...]
2019 and 2020 A/L students eligible for National Diploma in Teaching
The gazette notification has been issued for the admission of two groups of student teachers to National Colleges of Education to follow a three-year pre-service National Diploma in Teaching based on their G.C.E. A/ L results. Students who passed the 2019 and 2020 A/L exams are entitled to apply for the three year diploma in [...]
Prospective amendments to the Arbitration Act
The H. V. Perera QC Memorial Moot Competition, also known as The Victor’s Moot, is Sri Lanka’s first International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court Competition, organised by the Moot Society of Sri Lanka Law College. This year, the fifth edition of the competition is set to take place on a virtual platform on August 6 and [...]
A/L revision classes to go ahead from September onwards
The Education Ministry is going ahead with plans to have revision classes for G.C.E A/L students through the university system, Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said recently. He said this after an event where 155 Grade III principals were given their appointment letters. The Minister said lectures will be conducted for 24 different subjects through the university [...]
Sri Lanka must get support from SAARC

Even though Sri Lanka had been honest to the world and declared Bankruptcy, lets also note that there are 61 countries as per World Bank that is moving in the same direction as Sri Lanka. Whilst this must be a fact, Sri Lanka needs all the support it can have to ride the challenges in [...]
“ Bring life to the qualification by performing organisations” – Unilever Chairperson Hajar Alafifi

At the recently staged graduation of the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology ( APIIT) that was staged at BMICH, top corporate personality from the multinational circuit the Chairperson of Unilever Sri Lanka Ms Hajar Alafifi commented ‘ it’s a great feeling when one graduates with a qualification but your real challenge is how you [...]
Institute of Chemistry Ceylon to Celebrate International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022)

International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022) was proclaimed by the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 2nd December 2021, stressing that the applications of basic sciences are vital for advances in medicine, industry, agriculture, water resources, energy planning, environment, communications and culture.The Year, while highlighting the crucial role [...]
Gateway College strengthens Vocational Education under three verticals

Health & Science – BTEC in Sport at OL & AL Sustainable Construction and Engineering – BTEC in Engineering at OL Creative Digital Technologies – BTEC in Music at OL Drama (LAMDA) at OL & AL Further to the robust academic exposure that is provided, Gateway Colleges have created learning pathways that support the learners’ [...]
Dehydration of Passion

Recently, whilst I was speaking to one of my good old friends, I found out that he had completely lost the passion he had towards his original dreams and that he was living a very low laid life as if he had no passion at all. Also, it is very common these days to witness [...]
Branding Organic Vs Non-organic products

This topic would bring bitter memories and experiences to Sri Lankan consumers who want to consume organic food. The simple reason is that there would have been many instances where you would have ended up buying non-organic products paying a premium which later would have left the doubt in your mind if it was truly [...]
Ready to start your Business and Engineering degree path in Australia’s top ranked University of Queensland? Join SLIIT today !
In recent times, Australian universities have become prime educational destinations for international students. The University of Queensland (UoQ) is one of the most popular names amongst them. The recently established strategic partnership between the SLIIT and UoQ guarantees the students a globally recognised higher education qualification with the opportunity to transfer to the world-renowned university. [...]
Career Transition: facilitate positive changes in the lives of others
Study Master of Counselling and Master of Social Work (Qualifying) “Excelsia’s Counselling courses provide an enriching learning experience for students who are interested in learning advanced counselling and communication skills, being inspired by lecturers with experience in clinical practice as well as tertiary teaching, and deepening their understanding of counselling and relational theories. To support [...]

AFTER A/L’s, After A/L’s the most important question that one would require an answer is as to “what career paths are available in the job market and what degree programmes are available that would make you suitable to enter into that potential market?” Current available degree pathways and institutions that offer such pathways are many. [...]
Australasian Academy Preparing Students for Global Hotel Management Careers

World Class Australian Hospitality Management Qualification right here in Sri Lanka Australasian Academy (AA) offer complete higher education and training options for energetic, enthusiastic students who have a passion for people and service. Those students who are active and have leadership skills make excellent Hotel Managers because they are very organized, creative and innate leaders. [...]
Royal Institute International School hosts the Annual Prize Giving 2022

“Acknowledge all of your small victories. They will eventually add up to something great.” – Kara Goucher Royal Institute International School takes great pride in celebrating the achievements of its golden students and honouring them for the hardships and challenges they had to face. It is the fruits of years of hard work that have [...]
Healthy city for wellbeing: Lessons from heritage city Anuradhapura
This article illustrates, how urban agriculture and Buddhist concepts create a healthy city for physical and mental wellbeing for the people in Anuradhapura heritage city. Further, it discusses how it establishes a sustainable city, significant with spiritual understanding. ‘Health and wellbeing’ is the 3rd goal in the UN 17 sustainable developments goals [1]. It describes, [...]