Doing what they know best, feeding people

A gentle but steadying ‘hand’ from across the wide seas has brought smiles to the faces of little ones in beleaguered families in Sri Lanka unable even to have a hand-to-mouth existence. Under the ‘Feeding the Future’ project 367 families from across the country received their first month’s nutrition packs on July 3, each to [...]
Making her mark in digital art

It was only last year that abstract artist Sumali Piyatissa, an accountant by profession gave up her career in the corporate sector to take up art professionally, a decision which she had been contemplating for years. Leaving the stable world of finance may have been a big leap but one that has been amply justified [...]
The music that was Mandela

“Hey Nikita is it cold, In your little corner of the world?” ……. The opening lines of Elton John’s 1985 hit ‘Nikita’ often heard on the radio, more often in hotel lounges from vocalists straining over their keyboards, attests to the fact that old songs still persist in Sri Lanka. Also often heard at parties [...]
Voices for peace rise in the midst of turmoil

While the country shudders in the grip of political and social uncertainty, founders of the Muslim Choral Ensemble, Haadia Galely and Professor Andre de Quadro, stand poised to take their creation to the next level, with the launch of the World Muslim Choral Ensemble (WMCE) Ambassadors for Peace this July in Colombo. Ten international choristers [...]
Letters to the Editor

A failed President flees – time to rebuild the beleaguered nation When politicians become religious (patrons, protectors and promoters of religion) and when religious (monks, priests, maulavis and kurukkals) become politicians and mouth political theories and bless their patrons) – that becomes the most toxic concoction ever that can ruin any country. We see this [...]

A fearless professional he cared two hoots for politicians Gomin Dayasri Gomin was brilliant. Often his brilliance was masked by his eccentricity, brutal, fearless and refreshing candour. And after a few sips of the cup that cheers he was a raconteur who affably electrified the grid of the many friends(and even some foes) who would [...]
Growing veggies: A few tips to get it right

More than two in three families in Sri Lanka do not have enough to eat according to a survey of 2300 families by Save the Children this month. First seeing a considerable surge during the nationwide COVID lockdown in 2020, home gardening is being encouraged across the country as a means to combat the worsening [...]
Women in politics: Breaking the ‘boys club’ mentality
‘Democratic Governance and Rule of Law’ – a course conducted among students from universities across the country was part of a project by the Centre for Equality and Justice (CEJ) to educate future leaders on the importance of democracy and female leadership. The importance of women’s participation in politics, and what could be done to [...]
A helping hand from Mithuruwela for cancer testing in A’ Pura Hospital
In June 2022, Mithuruwela, the Cancer Support Network moved away from its customary activities which included awareness- raising and caregiver support. Inspired by an appeal from Dr Nuradh Joseph, Oncologist, the organization helped to support the establishment of molecular testing at the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, the first time molecular testing for breast cancer has been [...]
A cultural weave

Threads on Threads: an exhibition on the textile heritage in Sri Lanka, South Asia and Europe” presented by the European Union (EU) Delegation in Sri Lanka and the Maldives together with the Threads of History Museum is now on at Colombo’s Barefoot Gallery. The two-week exhibition – an initiative of the EU Cultural Heritage Series [...]
WNPS lecture on tackling food crisis and saving our bio diversity

The Nations Trust Wildlife and Nature Protection Society’s monthly lecture titled, ‘Recovering from the crisis without further harm to the environment’ will be delivered by Dr. Rohan Pethiyagoda and Prof. Devaka Weerakoon on July 21 at 6 p.m. via Zoom and FB Live The decision taken in May 2021 by the Sri Lankan Government to [...]