Home » ColumnsChina clears air; Praises India for helping Sri Lanka

China has praised India for helping Sri Lanka at a time of crisis in what appeared to be a move to deflect growing theories that China is peeved that Sri Lanka is moving away from China’s orbit and closer to the pro-West axis spearheaded by India in this part of the world. Chinese Foreign Ministry [...]
Electricity Amendment Bill sees the light of day despite opposition’s ‘power corrupts’ charge

The Government on Thursday defied both Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) trade unions and the Opposition to push through the Sri Lanka Electricity Amendment Bill, which aims to fast track renewable energy projects. The bill will allow any person to apply for a licence to generate electricity. It also removes the restriction imposed on a person [...]
A very consistent failure

My dear Gota maamey, I thought I must write to you again when I heard you saying in an interview that you “won’t go as a failed President”. Having heard that, many people are asking various questions. They wonder whether you really meant what you said and worry about what our plight would be if [...]
Responding to the imminent food shortages and starvation
The prospect of severe food shortages, malnutrition and even starvation later this year is frightening. How do we respond to, and cope with, the imminent food shortages and starvation? Can we avoid the specter of hunger and starvation? Policies This dire situation is now recognised by the government that brought about this situation. Several policy [...]
The agonies of a president who just will not ‘go’

When questioned as to why Sri Lanka’s law works to its most ferocious extent against anti-government protestors, Premier Ranil Wickremesinghe’s answer was typically slick. Well-planned advent of a Prime Minister ‘The police have also arrested Members of Parliament…it is the magistrates who decide on remand’, he said. This was during one of multiple regional and [...]
The people anxiously await the resolution of protracted economic crisis

In the midst of the economic crisis faced by the country, the fast-changing political landscape renders it all the more difficult to read and interpret current events. The absence of clear and authoritative news makes such interpretation all the more dangerous and speculative. One example of such uncertainty is with regard to the circumstances surrounding [...]
Can Gota go bathed in glory or will failure ever shadow?
PRESIDENTIAL SPANNER IN THE WORKS MAY WRECK RANIL’S 21 AMENDMENT HOPES Basil resigns as MP but vows to stay active in politics to give morale to supporters The President laid bare his self-confidence and belief in his own inherent prowess to reverse the tide of failure and surf the crest of success when he told [...]
Political leaders face continuing troubles

So Gota — as everybody now seems to call him so perhaps I should too — must really go home. That is what the GotaGoGama inhabitants said almost from the inception. But they made one mistake which they never corrected. No wonder Gota never went home. They did not tell him which home he should [...]
Gotabaya to stay on despite the calls to step down over failures
Economic crisis spinning out of control; food shortages continue, prices soar; food aid appeal by UN for first time Despite disputes with President, Premier Ranil makes confidence speech highlighting mismanagement and mishandling of economy 21A runs into questions as President says he wishes to complete his term with full powers GL dropped from SLPP delegation for 21A talks [...]
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