The duty of Parliament vis-à-vis Article 42 of the Constitution

Is our Parliament worth the taxpayers’ money? In the light of recent happenings, the conduct of Parliamentarians has received much focus. The general sentiment that’s articulated after observing Parliament sessions is one of disgust at the bickering that goes on, at the lack of intelligent discourse on any subject, at the lack of civility and [...]
Election: Only way out of the national crisis?
Diogenes, Greek philosopher and one of the founders of Cynic Philosophy is said to have roamed the streets of Athens around 300 BC, carrying a lamp in broad daylight, and holding it to the faces of fellow citizens in search of an honest man. Those men and women in Gotagogama in 2022 AD seems to [...]
WAN-IFRA calls for independent, transparent investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh

WAN-IFRA and the World Editors Forum have written to the Israeli Prime Minister to echo demands made by United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Arab states, the European Union’s External Action Service, and the US ambassador to the UN, amongst others, for “the rapid establishment of an independent, transparent investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American [...]
Time to change how we select our future parliamentarians
An effective way to address the problem of the deterioration of the political culture is to end the appalling practice of nominating unsavory characters to contest elections. The quality of the politicians that come forward is disgraceful and the people have lost complete trust and confidence on them. The blame for this sorry state should [...]
Vesak celebrated around the world
India The Maha Bodhi Society of India celebrated Vesak with several events. London To celebrate Vesak, the London Eye was lit up with a special design. The light show opened with a representation of the dharma wheel – one of the oldest symbols of Buddhism. Eight gold lights represented the wheel’s eight spokes, signifying the [...]
OTSC office bearers 2022/23
At the 64th AGM of the Old Thomians’ Swimming Club, the following office bearers were elected: President: Zafar Zainudeen, Vice Presidents: Yogen Wilson and Dilran Abeysekera, Secretary: Milinda Gunaratne, Asst Secretary: Andrew Ariaratnam, Treasurer: Darshana Herat-Gunaratne, Bar Secretary: Thuresh De Fonseka, Social Secretary: Anuruddha Fernando, Pool and Club House Secretary: Gemunu Cooray, Club Captain: Pruthvi [...]
Conferred Doctor of Philosophy

Fathima Zahra Abdeen reached another milestone in her illustrious academic career by completing her doctoral studies programme in Mathematics with Statistics emphasis, from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA (MUS&T). Fathima Zahra Abdeen, from Akurana, started her primary and secondary education at Badiudin Mahmud Girls College, Kandy (1994-2004) and pursued her Advanced Level [...]
Child abuse awareness programme in Wattala

An awareness programme on child abuse was conducted for schoolchildren in the Hendala, Dikovita area recently. This was organized by the Gethsemane Organisation, Wattala. At the event, children of low-income families were also gifted clothing and food items. The event was organised by Pastor Anton Rajamani and Sister Vino Solomon of the Gethsemane Organisation. (Wattala [...]
Another global recession?
By Jim O’Neill, exclusively for the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka At the start of the year, I expressed concerns about the outlook for financial markets, owing to all the considerable uncertainties that I could identify, and to the many other potential risks that were not yet clear. This was after Russia had begun to [...]
Another global recession?
At the start of the year, I expressed concerns about the outlook for financial markets, owing to all the considerable uncertainties that I could identify, and to the many other potential risks that were not yet clear. This was after Russia had begun to mass troops on Ukraine’s border, but before it had invaded. Now [...]