A visionary for all time

Gamini Dissanayake March 20, 2022 marks the 80th birth anniversary of the charismatic and extraordinary politician, the late Gamini Dissanayake. I still remember a day like today in 1992 how busy we were organising his book launch “Gamini Dissanayake 50, a Beginning” compiled by Dr. Sarath Amunugama and myself at the hotel formerly known as [...]
China’s time for global leadership
NEW HAVEN/LONDON/PARIS – The war in Ukraine is pushing the world ever closer to an existential crisis. The lessons of the twentieth century and its ghastly world wars have been lost on today’s leaders. The peace dividend of the Cold War has been squandered. Two superpowers – the United States and the Russian Federation – [...]
A modest and kind gentleman with a noble heart – Appreciations

Vijith Rupasinghe It was a rare occurrence to have issued a joint statement by the Ven. Maha Sanga on the occasion of the passing away of a layman. Yes, it has happened, not in Sri Lanka but in France. When Vijith Rupasinghe (VR) passed away after a silent heart attack in his sleep on December [...]
The scourge of tuberculosis and its impact on people

Tuberculosis is probably the most ancient disease to afflict humanity. Evidence of the disease – also known as Pott’s disease — has been found in the spine of the mummified remains of Egyptian Boy King-Emperor Tutankhamun (c1341 – c1323 B.C.), who died at the age of 19. Countless famous personalities have suffered from tuberculosis at [...]
Making of India’s Ocean or Indian Pond
Do today’s Indian geopolitical strategists continue to dream the dream of their predecessors around days of Indian independence: Converting the Indian Ocean into India’s Ocean? The inclination seems to survive to a lesser degree and today, according to some reports, even an ‘Indian Pond’ will do. The British had treated this ocean which washed the [...]
Origin and development of Passion Play in Lanka

The season of Lent has dawned upon us once again and for most Catholics it’s the liturgical season they cherish most, owing to its appeal as the most grace-filled event in the history of their salvation. The Passion of our Lord takes centre stage throughout the season of Lent and meditations on the Stations of [...]
Never too late for peace in ukraine

NEW YORK (IDN) — Once again, destruction, bloodshed, migration of millions of people, shattered economies, and hardship for average people all over the world. Russia attacked Ukraine though Russia’s President Vladimir Putin reiterated that Moscow had no plans to occupy Ukraine, and that the “special military operation” is directed at “demilitarisation” and “denazification” in Ukraine. [...]
Why the Saudis won’t pump more oil
PARIS – America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia has hit a new low. Following its ban on imports of Russian oil – part of a sweeping set of economic sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine – the United States hopes that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will boost production [...]
Launch of poem collection
Mohamed Riyal’s ‘A Soul’s Paradise in the Seventh Planet’, a fantasy collection of poems, will be launched on March 23 at the FIA auditorium of the Southeastern University in Oluvil. Dr A M Navaz, Head of the Department of English Language Teaching, will be presiding the book launch. Vice Chancellor Professor Rameez Aboobacker will be [...]
Gifts for mothers on Women’s Day
To celebrate International Women’s Day, Rotary Club of Sri Jayawardenepura organised a service project to deliver a set of essential items for pregnant women in Maradana and Suduwella. This donation was sponsored by Winsetha Hospital, Punchi Borella. The occasion was graced by Dr Chintha Jayampathy (DCMOH Maternal and Child Health), Dr Dammika Adikariwattage (Central Colombo [...]
Zahira College Group of 60s AGM

Zahira College, Colombo Group of 60’s Annual General Meeting was held at the Capri Club, Colombo recently. The following were elected as office bears for 2022/2023. Seated (L-R): M S Mazeer (Past President), M R Abdeen (Past President), Hazmie Yusuf (Vice President), Z A Usuph (Treasurer), Fuard Jain (President), Muhiseen Ariff (Secretary), Anver Akberally (Vice [...]