Akuna strikes new dramatic note at Lionel Wendt

It is a play not to be missed, says Founder and Artistic Director of the Workshop Players, Jerome De Silva, of the Lionel Wendt Workshop Players’ first original play ‘Akuna’ that goes on the boards at the Wendt from March 11 to 13. Sitting in the front row of the Lionel Wendt with his voice [...]
Breaking barriers in the foothills of the Himalayas

Against the snowy Annapurna Hills, rising jagged like a vision of heaven, are the green foothills of Pokhara. Here in the shadows of the Himalayas live a hill folk as colourful as the prayer flags against the hardships of rural Nepal. An underprivileged girl from this community, Belmaya Nepali was 14 when she caught the [...]
Letters to the Editor
Not the time to appease public with counter-productive rhetoric I am not directly involved in politics but have an interest in the subject as any citizen of Sri Lanka should. Of course I am in the group referred to as “Senior Citizens”. Having watched the electronic and print media regularly, it is distressing to view [...]

Epitome of simplicity and graciousness Jinawathi Kumarihami Gopallawa Jinawathi Kumarihami Gopallawa passed away on January 6. She was the wife of well-known politician Alick Aluwihare. I had the privilege and pleasure of associating with her and her family as I was called for medical advice and treatment. Madam Aluwihare as she was affectionately called was [...]
Suduwelipotha: Ruk Rakaganno on a reforesting mission in Sinharaja

When Ruk Rakaganno was founded in 1975 by a group of concerned naturalists including Irangani Serasinghe, Nihal Fernando, Laki Senanayake, Lyn de Alwis, Kamini Meedeniya- Vitarana and Vere de Mel, their immediate mission was to battle the Canadian plywood factory at Kosgoda fed by wood felled from Sinharaja used to manufacture tea chests. The lobbying [...]
A prescription for good governance

In ‘Piyavi Asa,’Edmond Jayasinghe has brought forth a brilliant biographical novel interweaving the rich and varied experiences of his life and times. The encyclopaedic novel portraying the transformation of Sri Lankan society during the last half a century will rank among the best of literary works in recent decades. The title, ‘Piyavi Asa,’ meaning attentive [...]