Ushan, Maduranga fastest in Kothmale

Ushan Perera was the fastest driver
Ushan Perera became the fastest driver while Isuru Maduranga emerged the fastest rider at the Kothmale Speed Hill Climb which took place at the Kothmale Hills last weekend. Perera clocked 49.666 seconds to become the fastest driver of the meet, while Maduranga’s timing was recorded as 51.268 seconds as he became the fastest rider.
Organised and conducted by the Senkadagala Motor Sports Club and Sri Lanka Motor Cycle Club, the two-day event attracted over 210 competitors with 80 drivers competing under 11 events and 130 riders competing in 13 events.
Originally the event was planned to be held on May 1 and 2, but was forced to postpone due to lockdowns and other restrictions caused by COVID-19. Dilum Amunugama, the State Minister for Transportation was the chief guest of the final day. The event was sponsored by CEAT and Nippon Paints.

Isuru Maduranga emerged the fastest rider