Home » ColumnsEveryone’s beginning to see red

My dear Anura Kumara or ‘AKD’, I thought I should write to you because more and more people are talking about the increasingly important role you are playing in the opposition, especially after you had produced a ‘confidential’ Cabinet paper in Parliament recently about the controversial sale of a power plant in Kerawalapitiya. We heard [...]
Prorogation: LSSP laments it was not consulted

A little known fact is that the Government does not discuss with constituent parties in the alliance led by the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) critical issues or seek their opinions before making a decision. For many, some of the Government’s decisions come as surprises either from interlocutors or the media. The latest is the [...]
Export performance: Only silver lining in external finances

The favourable export performance this year is the only silver lining amidst the dark threatening clouds of depleting external finances. Export earnings have exceeded US$ one billion a month since June, while external reserves have fallen to around US$ one billion. The trade and balance of payments deficits too have widened. Export performance Exports increased [...]
Lanka’s brand of burning people alive, ‘animal farm’ style

Even at the brink, if not firmly in the abyss of moral, legal and financial bankruptcy as a nation, Sri Lanka’s vicious peddlars of racial and communal hatred continue unabated with their grisly mischief. Grim comedy and Animal Farm charades This week, utter confusion reigned in regard to the reinstatement (or not) of a Muslim [...]
Yugadanavi deal: Govt.’s loud silence gives credence to allegations of corruption

The events surrounding the attempt by the Government to sell 40 percent of the shares in the Yugadanavi Power Plant to a United States based Company, have increasingly become an issue of serious national concern. As more and more facts emerge, the Government’s failure to set the record straight with regard to the allegations made [...]
X’mas comes early for MPs sent on mandatory holiday

Christmas has come early this year for the political class of Lanka. Shortly before the President’s own departure in the wee hours of Monday morning to Singapore on a two day private visit with his wife, he prorogued Parliament, sending its 225 members on a compulsory 5 week holiday till January 18 next year. The [...]
Tryst at midnight and more gas leaks

Many decades ago — until the end of the 1980s — when we covered the country’s political scene, it was customary to see some politicians strutting around like over-rated popinjays promising to have village roads with holes as big as our fiscal deficit, filled in no time, non-working street lights would be repaired in a [...]
Prorogation may be presidential prerogative, but politics plays a part
Parliament committee heads unhappy over President’s sudden move; speculation that it was aimed at quashing probes and removing present committee heads Cabinet divided over IMF assistance; COPF chairman Priyadarshana Yapa slams Cabraal, says he acts more like a politician than a responsible CB Governor Attorney General objects to Cabinet Ministers appearing in Supreme Court against [...]
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