Fashion returns in a burst of exotic colour

With promises that this year’s Swim Week would not be like any other taking into account the shift towards a ‘new normal’, Olu Swim Week 2021 did not disappoint. Kicking off on Friday evening with designers focusing their collections on Luxury Resortwear catering to the upcoming December season of festivities and destination weddings, Olu Swim [...]
Letters to the Editor
Steering public transport to meet challenges of ‘new normal’ In the light of the President’s clarion call to public sector employees to leave behind the two-year ‘COVID’ related setbacks and get ready to work with renewed energy, under the ‘new normal’, it is imperative that we find more short, medium and long term solutions to [...]

A prophetic priest sees a ‘new Jerusalem that will not pass away’ Fr. Oscar Abayaratne Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he brought tens of thousands of mainly poor Catholic people to a direct and personal relationship with the Risen Lord. Rev. Fr. Siri Oscar Abayaratne whom the Lord chose to launch the Kithu [...]
The baby was “almost dead”, but doctors did not give up

Lifeless, the baby was brought on November 2 from Munnakkara. Just six months old on November 1, Clevan Aashel had three big ‘Fs’ intent on snuffing out his young life – liver failure, renal failure and respiratory failure. Touch-and-go it was – but he was brought to the right place even though it may not [...]
Decked in holiday cheer Hilton Colombo looks to better times

It was just earlier that Tuesday morning before he met with the Sunday Times, that Hilton Colombo’s General Manager Manesh Fernando attended one of the frequent blessing ceremonies at the hotel and took to heart the sage advice spoken by priests from all four religions noting that life is a challenge that needs to be [...]
Heading for a bit of sea and sand? Don’t forget to take this along with you

It is an absolute treat to be given the chance to read anything by Royston Ellis – so I picked this book up eagerly when it landed on my doormat. For those who may not know, Royston is probably our most distinguished foreign resident. A former beat poet in the London of the Swinging 60s, [...]