Fr Oscar, prophet of modern times

Rev Father Siri Oscar Abayratne, founder of the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa (Catholic Renewal Movement), passed away on Thursday, after a long illness. A thanksgiving High Mass was held on Friday, at the KDP headquarters at the Sri Prasansaramaya, the Arch Bishop of Colombo, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith and other bishops concelebrated the Mass. The KDP celebrated [...]
Agriculture crisis taking Lanka towards major catastrophe, soil scientists’s body warns

We are facing the most turbulent period in the agricultural history of this country. Unavailability of fertilisers has triggered farmer unrest across the country. Farmers who are supposed to be cultivating the fields at the onset of the Maha season are holding placards and protesting on the streets, following an abrupt government decision on organic [...]
What’s Gotabaya’s strategy on mounting crises?
Decisions made President Rajapaksa’s Government for the past two years which have resulted in severe mounting crises have left political observers wondering about the strategy of the Government in tackling them. In Sri Lankan lingo people ask: Is the government coming or going? Even the most devout worshippers of the Lotus Bud (Pohottuwa) party are [...]
Law and order within a colonised mind

A colonised mind is identified by African thinkers to explain much of the problems they encounter. This applies to many fields, including law and order and is relevant to Sri Lanka as well. Rule of law and law and order have been discussed interminably from legalistic, managerial, administrative and even economic and finance angles. The [...]
Climate policy is social policy
By Sania Nishtar, exclusively for the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka ISLAMABAD – The number of days each year when the temperature exceeds 50°C (122°F) has doubled since the 1980s, and occurs in more places than ever. This extreme heat is having a dramatic effect on the health of humans, animals, and the environment. According [...]
The Vaishnav of a new world

Tribute to A T Ariyaratne “Who is a Vaishnav? A Vaishnav is one who realises the pain of others, helps those who are in misery without letting pride enter his mind”. By citing the 15th century poet Narasingh Bhagwan Bhajans’ great lyrics, let me extend my respect to Mr A T Ariyaratne on his 90th [...]