Teacher protest gains wider support ahead of school restart
In the backdrop of teachers and principals continuing their protests demanding a salary revision, the government last week announced that all schools will open tomorrow. But education trade unions have vowed to continue their campaign until their demands are met.
The Education Ministry however, expressed doubts whether there will be a change in the government’s stance as teachers and principals have already been offered a revised salary.

Students of Sunethradevi Balika Vidyalaya in Papiliyana line up to wash their hands with soap before they enter their classrooms in terms of covid guideline issued to schools.
Secretary, Prof Kapila Perera, said the government earlier had offered a salary revision based on the government’s Subodhini report. The revised amount is to be disbursed over the next two years.
The unions, although they had agreed on the revision, want the payment be made in one go immediately.
The Ceylon Teacher Service Union (CTSU) said that it expects this demand to be reflected in the 2022 budget due on November 12.
“We will see whether our demands are met. Or else, the protests will intensify until we get our demands,’’ the General Secretary, Mahinda Jayasinghe said.
He said that unions are collectively planning a nationwide protest at zonal level.
“Also we have briefed the parents on the reason for the protest and they have understood our demands are justified,’’ he said. “This was evident in the protest we held last week. Several parents joined us.
“We are also talking to several trade unions to join in and show solidarity with us.’’
Meanwhile, the education ministry said that schools will function as usual under the health guidelines, and at 50% capacity.
Also, dates for the 2021 national exams that were postponed several times due to the pandemic shut downs were announced. The grade 5 scholarship exams will be held on January 22, 2022, the Ordinary Level exams between February 7 and March 5. 2022 and Advanced Level exams between May 22 and June 6, 2022.
The ministry said that although children have missed out on studies for several months, the entire curriculum will be applicable.
“The exams will be held on the entire syllabus,’’ an official said.
Meanwhile, last week, tuition classes were cleared to resume.
The All Island Professional Lecturers Association said that the Covid-19 task force has allowed a restart on November 16.
President, Amith Pussella, said that only 50% of capacity is allowed.
The Government had soft-peddled on the reopening of schools and only opened up around 3,000 primary schools that had up to 200 children on October 21. This was followed by reopening of all primary schools out of the 10,155 schools in the country.