A Sri Lanka front for liberation of Myanmar

There is immense concern and sympathy around the world for the people of Afghanistan numbering around 38 million following the takeover by the Taliban and the imposition of their rigid laws such as the alleged public beheading of people and suppression of women’s rights. Surprisingly, the global concern and sympathy for Myanmar’s 55 million people [...]
Police Intelligence for crime control

‘Police intelligence’ may be described as the product resulting from the collection, collation, evaluation, analysis, integration of collected information, for dissemination as and when necessary, to those concerned. Police intelligence discussed in my previous articles was in relation to public security. Police intelligence for crime control serves law and order generally. This notion is now [...]
A state of depression

For most of this month of October, I have been in a state of depression. Before you, my esteemed readers, start worrying about my mental health, I must hasten to add that I am not suffering from a state of medical depression which needs to be treated with antidepressant tablets and therapy by a psychiatrist. [...]
The Middle East still leads as one of the world’s most prolific arms markets

UNITED NATIONS (IDN) – The politically and militarily volatile Middle East continues its run as one of the world’s biggest single arms markets– led primarily by Saudi Arabia. But the Saudi dominance is being gradually challenged by another oil-blessed country in the region: the United Arab Emirates (UAE). According to the latest report from the [...]
Squid Game: A capitalist nightmare of all against all

Netflix’s Squid Game has become a phenomenon. In a market dominated by Euro-American productions, the South Korean series has become the globally most-watched show on Netflix. It has also been dubbed the most disturbing. Critics have jumped to state the obvious: that the show, wherein contestants enter a tooth-and-claw competition, in the form of a [...]
Glasgow, Greta, and good intentions
ITHACA – Both anxiety and hope are increasing in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. There is anxiety because, barring a handful of the willfully blind, we can all see the damage we are doing to the planet. Fires, floods, and rising sea levels are creating havoc around the [...]
Scholarships for schoolchildren

The Sri Lanka-China Society are distributing the Amity Foundation and Alibaba Philanthropy scholarships, worth Rs 9 million, to needy students in Sri Lanka. The scholarships have been distributed to children amongst 13 local schools. Each student received: a cash donation of Rs 18,000, student’s essentials packs worth Rs 3,000, and household items worth Rs 3,000. [...]
Police officers who served community felicitated

A ceremony was held at the Arogyamatha Church in Galwetiya, Wattala to felicitate members of the Wattala Police Division who risked their lives to serve the community during the corona pandemic. The event was organised by DeshabanduM Sarawana, JP and Adviser to the Community Police Unit, Wattala Police Station, his wife K Chandrika, Samatha Moola [...]