‘Where We Are’: Painting in the time of pandemic
For the past two years most of us have been more or less home-bound. With some semblance of normal life resuming, two artists who are good friends are holding an exhibition on how COVID-19 and the resulting lockdown influenced their art.
‘Where We Are’, an online exhibition of paintings and drawings by Neleisha Weerasinghe and Charuni Ranchigoda starts today, October 24 and goes on until November 11, 2021.

“Painting at this time meant paying more attention to things and places that were mostly mundane and ordinary. It also meant letting spontaneous creativity take over rather than staring at breathtaking scenery. Being inspired in this way meant feeling deeply grateful for where I was, who I was with, and the places I was in,” says Neleisha who spent many days during lockdown in Wattegama and Welisara.
This is the first exhibition for Charuni. “For me, creating art during this time meant being resourceful with my time as well as the materials. I found myself working in snatches between being a full-time mother and working freelance, as well as rediscovering my love for found material, when I was impatient to create and had run out of my usual material.”
Both believe now is the best time for an exhibition. “Because art has a way of reaching out to and uplifting people, especially during difficult times. It’s also a great way to document and celebrate our survival and progress,” Neleisha says.

Charuni agrees: “To me it feels like a very natural next step both at a personal and collective level. We’re at a transition from challenging times and introspection resulting from those challenging times, to a hopefully more prepared and more aware future. Where We Are feels to me a celebration of what is being concluded, and what will be.”
For these two artists, creating works of art has always been a very joyous thing, and they would like many more people to see and experience their art. “Also, as two mothers coming in from two diverse roles – one of us managing a day job and the other mostly a full-time mother with part-time work engagements – we hope this series will bring much needed motivation for so many mothers out there to push and carve out a time for themselves to express their creativity and their wonderful selves. The world needs more of it, we feel.”
Their friendship has been very special as they practically grew together as women, mothers and artists, they say. ‘“Where We Are’ is also a celebration of all that we are to each other and a first step of our shared creative journey. We hope it will convey the encouraging message that creating art is possible wherever we are, with whatever we have,” they add.
For more details and early access sign up at: https://www.artbyneleisha.com/copy-of-where-we-are (Early access starts at 9 a.m. today and the exhibition goes public by noon)

Neleisha’s “Home Point” : A knife painting, on canvas

Charuni’s “Flowers”: Pen and pencil on found board